Discover the gripping continuation of the acclaimed comic series with 'Y The Last Man Book Four'. This thrilling graphic novel, published by Random House US in 2016, takes you deeper into the post-apocalyptic world where nearly all men have perished due to a mysterious plague. Join Yorick Brown, the last surviving male, and his pet monkey, Ampersand, as they journey through a society rebuilt by women in the wake of a catastrophic gendercide. This compelling narrative, spanning 296 pages, captivates readers with its rich storytelling and thought-provoking themes. In this volume, issues #37-48 are collected, showcasing Yorick’s relentless search to uncover the truth about his lost fiancée and his survival amidst the ruins of civilization. Perfect for fans of graphic novels, dystopian fiction, and stories that challenge gender dynamics, 'Y The Last Man Book Four' is a must-have addition to your collection. Order now and immerse yourself in a world where the survival of the human race hangs by a thread. Delivery options are available to ensure your new favorite book arrives at your doorstep swiftly and safely.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781401261689
Year: 2016
Pages: 296
In 2002, the world changes forever. Every man, every boy, every mammal with a Y chromosome everywhere on Earth suddenly collapses and dies. With the loss of nearly half the planet's population, the gears of society grind to a halt, and a world of women are left to pick up the pieces and try to keep civilization from collapsing entirely.
The "gendercide," however, is not absolutely complete. For some unknown reason, one young man named Yorick Brown and his pet male monkey, Ampersand, are spared. Overnight, this anonymous twentysomething becomes the most important person on the planet-the key, it is hoped, to unlocking the secret of the mysterious sex-specific plague.
For Yorick himself, the most important person on the planet has been agonizingly out of reach. But now, after three long years and 10,000 arduous miles, the last man is closing in on the truth about his lost fiancee-and the shocking facts behind his own survival.
Collects issues #37-48.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781401261689
Year: 2016
Pages: 296
In 2002, the world changes forever. Every man, every boy, every mammal with a Y chromosome everywhere on Earth suddenly collapses and dies. With the loss of nearly half the planet's population, the gears of society grind to a halt, and a world of women are left to pick up the pieces and try to keep civilization from collapsing entirely.
The "gendercide," however, is not absolutely complete. For some unknown reason, one young man named Yorick Brown and his pet male monkey, Ampersand, are spared. Overnight, this anonymous twentysomething becomes the most important person on the planet-the key, it is hoped, to unlocking the secret of the mysterious sex-specific plague.
For Yorick himself, the most important person on the planet has been agonizingly out of reach. But now, after three long years and 10,000 arduous miles, the last man is closing in on the truth about his lost fiancee-and the shocking facts behind his own survival.
Collects issues #37-48.