Discover a haunting tale in Wrack, a powerful novel that explores passion, betrayal, obsession, and loss. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the southern coast of New South Wales, this gripping narrative begins with the discovery of a body in the sandhills. Follow David, an archaeologist, and his dedicated team of students as they dig for remnants of a Portuguese ship that met its fate in the fifteenth century. With each turn of the page, you’ll immerse yourself in the intricacies of history and human emotion.
Meet Kurt, a war veteran disfigured by injuries from New Guinea, who is dying in a secluded shack near the shore. His obsession with the ship's legends parallels David's quest for knowledge, intertwining their fates as the story unfolds across different timelines. From the mysterious life of the Portuguese sailors to the intricate politics of a 1930s university, Wrack is a tapestry of intertwined lives and buried secrets.
Elegantly written, this novel blends eroticism, sensuality, and erudition, captivating readers with its complex characters and beautifully constructed narrative. With 352 pages of riveting storytelling, Wrack is not just a book; it’s an unforgettable journey that poses profound questions about history, obsession, and what it means to seek the truth.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780091834944
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 1997
Pages: 352
Delivery Information: Enjoy fast and reliable delivery options for your purchase, ensuring a seamless shopping experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780091834944
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 1997
Pages: 352
A haunting and powerful story of passion, betrayal, obsession and loss.
A body is found in the sandhills on the southern coast of New South Wales. David is an archaeologist, leading a team of students digging up the sandhills, searching for evidence of a Portuguese ship he believes was wrecked there in the fifteenth century.
Hideously disfigured by injuries he received in New Guinea during the Second World War, Kurt now lies dying in a small shack near the sandhills. All his life he, like David, has been obsessed by the stories of the ship. When David meets Kurt, he believes the old man has the answers he so desperately wants. Answers he will do everything to discover ...
The story swings back and forward in time, from the days of the Portuguese sailors and their fiercely protected maritime secrets, to the politics of history in a 1930s university, to the playing out of David's obsession in the present.
Erotic, sensuous and erudite, Wrack draws the reader into a web of lies, sex and mystery in a novel that is as unusual as it is beautiful.
Meet Kurt, a war veteran disfigured by injuries from New Guinea, who is dying in a secluded shack near the shore. His obsession with the ship's legends parallels David's quest for knowledge, intertwining their fates as the story unfolds across different timelines. From the mysterious life of the Portuguese sailors to the intricate politics of a 1930s university, Wrack is a tapestry of intertwined lives and buried secrets.
Elegantly written, this novel blends eroticism, sensuality, and erudition, captivating readers with its complex characters and beautifully constructed narrative. With 352 pages of riveting storytelling, Wrack is not just a book; it’s an unforgettable journey that poses profound questions about history, obsession, and what it means to seek the truth.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780091834944
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 1997
Pages: 352
Delivery Information: Enjoy fast and reliable delivery options for your purchase, ensuring a seamless shopping experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780091834944
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 1997
Pages: 352
A haunting and powerful story of passion, betrayal, obsession and loss.
A body is found in the sandhills on the southern coast of New South Wales. David is an archaeologist, leading a team of students digging up the sandhills, searching for evidence of a Portuguese ship he believes was wrecked there in the fifteenth century.
Hideously disfigured by injuries he received in New Guinea during the Second World War, Kurt now lies dying in a small shack near the sandhills. All his life he, like David, has been obsessed by the stories of the ship. When David meets Kurt, he believes the old man has the answers he so desperately wants. Answers he will do everything to discover ...
The story swings back and forward in time, from the days of the Portuguese sailors and their fiercely protected maritime secrets, to the politics of history in a 1930s university, to the playing out of David's obsession in the present.
Erotic, sensuous and erudite, Wrack draws the reader into a web of lies, sex and mystery in a novel that is as unusual as it is beautiful.