Discover the enchanting graphic novel, WOLF, published by Self Made Hero in 2018. This visually stunning narrative weaves the poignant story of Hugo, a young boy whose summer takes a devastating turn when he encounters a mysterious wolf in the woods. As tragedy strikes, Hugo is thrust into a world of grief and disorientation, living in a home filled with sorrow. The story unfolds as the family grapples with loss and moves to a new neighborhood. Here, Hugo meets the enigmatic Wolf Man, a reclusive figure who seems to hold the key to Hugo's longing for the past.
Enticingly illustrated in pencil, WOLF is not just a tale of childhood imagination and explorations of time, but also a heartfelt journey about overcoming grief and the pivotal moments that shape our lives. For those who appreciate graphic novels that delve deep into human emotions, this book is a perfect fit. With 296 pages filled with breathtaking artwork and compelling storytelling, WOLF resonates with readers of all ages. Join Hugo on his quest to turn back time and discover the important lessons of acceptance and healing. Free shipping available, and please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Note that once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Get your copy of WOLF today and experience the magic of this extraordinary graphic novel that beautifully captures the essence of childhood resilience and emotional growth.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781910593547
Year: 2018
Publisher: Self Made Hero
Pages: 296
It is the long, hot summer of 1976. Hugo, the youngest child of three, is walking with his father in the woods. There, he comes face to face with a wolf - and from that moment on, his life will never be the same again.
Soon after, a tragic accident leaves Hugo desolate and disorientated. The family, now grieving and incomplete, moves home. Among Hugo's new neighbours is the Wolf Man - a dangerous recluse, according to the boy next door. Spellbound by the movie "The Time Machine", and desperate to return to the days before the accident, Hugo draws up plans to build a contraption that will turn back time. But only The Wolf Man has the parts Hugo needs to complete his machine, and that will mean entering his sinister neighbour's house.
Beautifully illustrated in pencil, WOLF is a captivating and poignant graphic novel about confronting childhood grief and overcoming the loss of a loved one.
Enticingly illustrated in pencil, WOLF is not just a tale of childhood imagination and explorations of time, but also a heartfelt journey about overcoming grief and the pivotal moments that shape our lives. For those who appreciate graphic novels that delve deep into human emotions, this book is a perfect fit. With 296 pages filled with breathtaking artwork and compelling storytelling, WOLF resonates with readers of all ages. Join Hugo on his quest to turn back time and discover the important lessons of acceptance and healing. Free shipping available, and please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Note that once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Get your copy of WOLF today and experience the magic of this extraordinary graphic novel that beautifully captures the essence of childhood resilience and emotional growth.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781910593547
Year: 2018
Publisher: Self Made Hero
Pages: 296
It is the long, hot summer of 1976. Hugo, the youngest child of three, is walking with his father in the woods. There, he comes face to face with a wolf - and from that moment on, his life will never be the same again.
Soon after, a tragic accident leaves Hugo desolate and disorientated. The family, now grieving and incomplete, moves home. Among Hugo's new neighbours is the Wolf Man - a dangerous recluse, according to the boy next door. Spellbound by the movie "The Time Machine", and desperate to return to the days before the accident, Hugo draws up plans to build a contraption that will turn back time. But only The Wolf Man has the parts Hugo needs to complete his machine, and that will mean entering his sinister neighbour's house.
Beautifully illustrated in pencil, WOLF is a captivating and poignant graphic novel about confronting childhood grief and overcoming the loss of a loved one.