Dive into the enchanting world of 'Winglets Quartet', a thrilling anthology that unearths the untold stories of beloved characters from the Wings of Fire series. This beautifully crafted collection features four captivating tales, showcasing Fiercetooth, a NightWing trapped in the past, Deathbringer, a steadfast Dragon aspiring to be the legendary NightWing assassin, and Six-Claws, a devoted SandWing whose commitment is tested. Additionally, explore the enigmatic Foeslayer, a dragon enigma entangled in love and abduction, along with the daring escapades of Prince Arctic, the runaway IceWing. With 208 pages penned by Scholastic, each story remarkably expands on the main narrative, offering fans a rich, immersive experience in the vibrant realm of Pyrrhia. Perfect for both young readers and dedicated fans of fantasy literature, 'Winglets Quartet' delves deep into themes of loyalty, love, and the complexity of destiny. Ideal for gifting or personal collection, this edition is a must-have for any fantasy enthusiast. Order yours today and embark on a journey through adventure, betrayal, and bravery in the beloved Wings of Fire universe. Fast shipping available to New Zealand and beyond. Get ready to soar with these compelling tales and find out what truly lies beneath the legends.
Delivery Information: This brand new book is published by Scholastic Inc and will be shipped promptly. Every order comes with tracking to ensure safe delivery right to your doorstep.
ISBN: 9781760978334
Number of Pages 208
Everyone knows the legends... but does anyone know the truth? Fiercetooth, a NightWing obsessed with what could haveand should havebeen. Deathbringer, desperate to prove himself as the next great NightWing assassin. Six-Claws, a loyal SandWing, who will soon find that loyalty with a price. Foeslayer the NightWing, a dragon in love turned kidnapper, and Prince Arctic of the IceWings, a runaway turned captive. In these four short stories, dig deeper into the world of Pyrrhia to discover what really happened.Read less
Delivery Information: This brand new book is published by Scholastic Inc and will be shipped promptly. Every order comes with tracking to ensure safe delivery right to your doorstep.
ISBN: 9781760978334
Number of Pages 208
Everyone knows the legends... but does anyone know the truth? Fiercetooth, a NightWing obsessed with what could haveand should havebeen. Deathbringer, desperate to prove himself as the next great NightWing assassin. Six-Claws, a loyal SandWing, who will soon find that loyalty with a price. Foeslayer the NightWing, a dragon in love turned kidnapper, and Prince Arctic of the IceWings, a runaway turned captive. In these four short stories, dig deeper into the world of Pyrrhia to discover what really happened.Read less