Discover the enchanting world of 'Wildwitch 1 - Wildfire'! This captivating novel, published in 2016 by Faber Factory, follows 12-year-old Clare as her ordinary life transforms into an extraordinary adventure. Everything changes when Clare encounters a mysterious, oversized black cat that unveils her true identity as a Wildwitch. A heartwarming tale of self-discovery, the book intricately weaves themes of courage, friendship, and the magical connections we share with nature. With 160 pages of beautifully written prose, readers will be immersed in Clare’s journey as she learns to communicate with animals and harness the elemental magic of the wild world around her. But as Clare embraces her new powers, she also faces a formidable enemy that challenges her to grow and adapt in ways she never imagined. Perfect for young readers who love fantasy and adventure, 'Wildwitch 1 - Wildfire' is a must-have addition to any bookshelf. Ideal for parents seeking magical books for kids, this title encourages imagination and exploration. Don't miss the chance to dive into this enthralling story that combines the charm of coming-of-age tales with the thrill of wild magic. Delivery information ensures that your copy of this thrilling book arrives fast and in perfect condition. Order now and let your child embark on a magical journey with Clare today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781782690832
Year: 2016
Publisher: Faber Factory
Pages: 160
Clare is a normal 12-year-old girl, until a scary encounter with an unusually large black cat changes her life for ever. With the help of her Aunt Isa, she is introduced to her astounding true nature: as a Wildwitch, she can learn to communicate with animals, and harness the magical power of the natural world around her. But before Clara can get to grips with her newfound abilitie, she is confronted with a powerful enemy. Her experiences force her to grow up faster than she had expected, and she learns that, in the wild world, she will have to learn to fight as well as flee.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781782690832
Year: 2016
Publisher: Faber Factory
Pages: 160
Clare is a normal 12-year-old girl, until a scary encounter with an unusually large black cat changes her life for ever. With the help of her Aunt Isa, she is introduced to her astounding true nature: as a Wildwitch, she can learn to communicate with animals, and harness the magical power of the natural world around her. But before Clara can get to grips with her newfound abilitie, she is confronted with a powerful enemy. Her experiences force her to grow up faster than she had expected, and she learns that, in the wild world, she will have to learn to fight as well as flee.