Discover the transformative journey of thirteen-year-old Niilo in 'Wild School', a gripping young adult novel published by Bonnier in 2016. This powerful story follows Niilo's struggles and growth as he is sent to a young offender's unit on a remote island in the stunning Finnish archipelago. At first, he resents being in this new environment, but as he builds a close bond with his dedicated mentor, Hannu, he learns valuable lessons about life, friendship, and overcoming fears. The book intricately explores themes of self-discovery and resilience, as Niilo confronts his lifelong fear of water in a series of heartfelt encounters. The beautifully illustrated cover and compelling plot make this a must-read for young adults and anyone who enjoys stories of personal growth. With 224 pages of relatable and well-crafted characters, 'Wild School' captivates readers and leaves a lasting impression. The narrative not only engages the imagination but also serves as an insightful resource for discussing emotional challenges faced by youth today. This exciting novel is ideal for those seeking an inspirational tale about facing fears and embracing change. Perfect for fans of young adult fiction, 'Wild School' promises to be an engrossing read that inspires hope. Don't miss the chance to add this exceptional book to your collection today. Available for fast shipping and delivery options to your doorstep, ensuring you receive this compelling story promptly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781848124424
Year: 2016
Publisher: Bonnier
Pages: 224
Thirteen-year-old Niilo's unruly behaviour means his loving parents sent him to Wild School, a young offender's unit on an island in the Finnish archipelago. Angry at first, eventually he comes to enjoy being there and builds a close relationship with his mentor, Hannu, who helps him face his demons and overcome his lifelong fear of water. But when Niilo hears Hannu is leaving, he is so upset he decides to run away. Escaping is one thing, but living alone in the wild is completely different and it tests Niilo to the utmost, especially as his fear of water still haunts him.
With the help of a seal, Hannu eventually finds Niilo, but on the way back to Wild School Niilo is thrown into the water and experiences a revelation that will change his life for the better.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781848124424
Year: 2016
Publisher: Bonnier
Pages: 224
Thirteen-year-old Niilo's unruly behaviour means his loving parents sent him to Wild School, a young offender's unit on an island in the Finnish archipelago. Angry at first, eventually he comes to enjoy being there and builds a close relationship with his mentor, Hannu, who helps him face his demons and overcome his lifelong fear of water. But when Niilo hears Hannu is leaving, he is so upset he decides to run away. Escaping is one thing, but living alone in the wild is completely different and it tests Niilo to the utmost, especially as his fear of water still haunts him.
With the help of a seal, Hannu eventually finds Niilo, but on the way back to Wild School Niilo is thrown into the water and experiences a revelation that will change his life for the better.