Discover the enchanting children's story, When An Elephant Comes To School, a delightful tale that encourages imagination and friendship. This beautifully illustrated 32-page book by Jan Ormerod captures the tender essence of starting school, especially for a shy elephant. The story unfolds as this lovable character navigates his first day at school with the help of new friends who guide him in finding his lunch box and easing his worries. It's an inspiring read that teaches children valuable lessons about friendship, overcoming shyness, and embracing new experiences. Perfect for young readers, this book will spark discussions about what it means to be different and how kindness can make a world of difference. Whether for storytime or as a thoughtful gift, When An Elephant Comes To School is a must-have for every child's bookshelf. Ideal for parents, teachers, and caregivers looking to foster a love for reading, this book will not only entertain but also educate kids about empathy and inclusivity. Order now and embark on a whimsical journey that will have your little ones dreaming about elephants going to school! Delivery information: Condition is Brand New. ISBN: 9780439739672, Publisher: SCHOLASTIC INC. Your ideal story experience awaits!
ISBN: 9780439739672
Number of Pages 32
When an elephant comes to school he may be shy at first. A special friend can show him where to put his lunch box. The first day of school is hard, especially when you are an elephant. But with the help of some new friends, any elephant could get into the swing of things. Jan Orm...erod's beautifully illustrated story, WHEN AN ELEPHANT COMES TO SCHOOL, is sure to delight and dazzle any child with excitement and imagination. What would your child do if an elephant came to his or her school?Read less
ISBN: 9780439739672
Number of Pages 32
When an elephant comes to school he may be shy at first. A special friend can show him where to put his lunch box. The first day of school is hard, especially when you are an elephant. But with the help of some new friends, any elephant could get into the swing of things. Jan Orm...erod's beautifully illustrated story, WHEN AN ELEPHANT COMES TO SCHOOL, is sure to delight and dazzle any child with excitement and imagination. What would your child do if an elephant came to his or her school?Read less