ISBN: 9781911077930
Number of Pages: 256
Dive into a thrilling adventure with "Way Past Winter," a captivating tale that centers around Mila and her resilient sisters as they journey to rescue their brother Oskar. Set in a quaint forest cabin blanketed in snow, this enchanting story unfolds when a mysterious fur-clad stranger seeks refuge, only to vanish the next day with Oskar, leaving the sisters in a chilling predicament. This beautifully crafted children's novel not only delves into themes of courage and familial bond but also takes readers on a gripping expedition through frozen wildlands and challenges the harshness of eternal winter.
Perfect for young readers who love magical adventures and enchanting narratives, "Way Past Winter" is an ideal addition to your child’s bookshelf. With 256 pages filled with imaginative storytelling and rich illustrations, it engages the heart and mind, making it a must-read for reluctant readers as well. This book also serves as a wonderful gift for birthdays or special occasions, ensuring that children can embark on this memorable journey of bravery. Explore themes of resilience, hope, and the unbreakable bond of siblings as you read this epic adventure.
Order your copy today, and let your children experience a world of wonder. Fast shipping is available, ensuring that you receive your order promptly so that your little ones can start their adventure without delay.
ISBN: 9781911077930
Number of Pages 256
Mila and her sisters live with their brother Oskar in a small forest cabin in the snow. One night, a fur-clad stranger arrives seeking shelter for himself and his men. But by the next morning, they've gone - taking Oskar with them. Fearful for his safety, Mila and her sisters set... out to bring Oskar back - even it means going north, crossing frozen wild-lands to find a way past an eternal winter.Read less
ISBN: 9781911077930
Number of Pages: 256
Dive into a thrilling adventure with "Way Past Winter," a captivating tale that centers around Mila and her resilient sisters as they journey to rescue their brother Oskar. Set in a quaint forest cabin blanketed in snow, this enchanting story unfolds when a mysterious fur-clad stranger seeks refuge, only to vanish the next day with Oskar, leaving the sisters in a chilling predicament. This beautifully crafted children's novel not only delves into themes of courage and familial bond but also takes readers on a gripping expedition through frozen wildlands and challenges the harshness of eternal winter.
Perfect for young readers who love magical adventures and enchanting narratives, "Way Past Winter" is an ideal addition to your child’s bookshelf. With 256 pages filled with imaginative storytelling and rich illustrations, it engages the heart and mind, making it a must-read for reluctant readers as well. This book also serves as a wonderful gift for birthdays or special occasions, ensuring that children can embark on this memorable journey of bravery. Explore themes of resilience, hope, and the unbreakable bond of siblings as you read this epic adventure.
Order your copy today, and let your children experience a world of wonder. Fast shipping is available, ensuring that you receive your order promptly so that your little ones can start their adventure without delay.
ISBN: 9781911077930
Number of Pages 256
Mila and her sisters live with their brother Oskar in a small forest cabin in the snow. One night, a fur-clad stranger arrives seeking shelter for himself and his men. But by the next morning, they've gone - taking Oskar with them. Fearful for his safety, Mila and her sisters set... out to bring Oskar back - even it means going north, crossing frozen wild-lands to find a way past an eternal winter.Read less