Discover the groundbreaking graphic novel, 'Watchmen: International Edition,' where American superheroes redefined history in a world where the U.S. triumphed in the Vietnam War, with Nixon still in power during the height of the Cold War. This iconic work begins as a compelling murder mystery that evolves into a complex global conspiracy, expertly exploring the moral intricacies of vigilantism. Follow the intricate journeys of your favorite characters—Rorschach, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, Dr. Manhattan, and Ozymandias—as they grapple with the blurred lines between good and evil in their gripping quest for truth.
Originally released in the mid-1980s by visionary creators Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, 'Watchmen' is hailed as a pivotal moment in comic book history, challenging conventions and elevating the superhero genre with its rich psychological narrative. The International Edition not only includes the complete, critically acclaimed storyline but also features a stunning new cover, exclusive sketches, bonus content, and an insightful introduction by artist Dave Gibbons, making it a must-have for graphic novel enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Whether you're revisiting this masterpiece or experiencing it for the first time, 'Watchmen: International Edition' promises to captivate readers with its unforgettable characters and profound themes. Available in BRAND NEW condition, this edition is perfect for die-hard fans and new readers alike.
Get your copy today and dive into a world where superheroes mirror the complexities of our own reality!
Delivery Information: Standard delivery times apply. Orders processed within 24-48 hours.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781401248192
Year: 2014
Pages: 448
In an alternate world where the mere presence of American superheroes changed history, the US won the Vietnam War, Nixon is still president, and the cold war is in full effect. WATCHMEN begins as a murder-mystery, but soon unfolds into a planet-altering conspiracy. As the resolution comes to a head, the unlikely group of reunited heroes--Rorschach, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias--have to test the limits of their convictions and ask themselves where the true line is between good and evil.
In the mid-eighties, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons created WATCHMEN, changing the course of comics' history and essentially remaking how popular culture perceived the genre. Popularly cited as the point where comics came of age, WATCHMEN's sophisticated take on superheroes has been universally acclaimed for its psychological depth and realism.
WATCHMEN is collected here with a new cover, sketches, extra bonus material and a new introduction by series artist Dave Gibbons.
Originally released in the mid-1980s by visionary creators Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, 'Watchmen' is hailed as a pivotal moment in comic book history, challenging conventions and elevating the superhero genre with its rich psychological narrative. The International Edition not only includes the complete, critically acclaimed storyline but also features a stunning new cover, exclusive sketches, bonus content, and an insightful introduction by artist Dave Gibbons, making it a must-have for graphic novel enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Whether you're revisiting this masterpiece or experiencing it for the first time, 'Watchmen: International Edition' promises to captivate readers with its unforgettable characters and profound themes. Available in BRAND NEW condition, this edition is perfect for die-hard fans and new readers alike.
Get your copy today and dive into a world where superheroes mirror the complexities of our own reality!
Delivery Information: Standard delivery times apply. Orders processed within 24-48 hours.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781401248192
Year: 2014
Pages: 448
In an alternate world where the mere presence of American superheroes changed history, the US won the Vietnam War, Nixon is still president, and the cold war is in full effect. WATCHMEN begins as a murder-mystery, but soon unfolds into a planet-altering conspiracy. As the resolution comes to a head, the unlikely group of reunited heroes--Rorschach, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias--have to test the limits of their convictions and ask themselves where the true line is between good and evil.
In the mid-eighties, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons created WATCHMEN, changing the course of comics' history and essentially remaking how popular culture perceived the genre. Popularly cited as the point where comics came of age, WATCHMEN's sophisticated take on superheroes has been universally acclaimed for its psychological depth and realism.
WATCHMEN is collected here with a new cover, sketches, extra bonus material and a new introduction by series artist Dave Gibbons.