Step into the tumultuous world of the Wars of the Roses with 'Wars of the Roses: Bloodline,' the captivating third installment in Conn Iggulden's historical fiction series. This beautifully crafted novel, published by Penguin UK in 2016, takes readers on a thrilling journey through the chaos of 1461. With 512 pages of intricate storytelling, discover the fates of powerful figures as they navigate alliances, betrayals, and fierce battles for the English crown.
In a gripping narrative, witness the aftermath of Richard Duke of York's death and the ensuing conflict between the Lancastrian loyalists and York's ambitious sons. Edward of March ascends as a formidable contender for the throne, embodying the lethal mix of aspiration and treachery that defined this critical era. As Margaret, Queen of the Lancastrians, rallies her northern forces, the stakes rise higher. These historical figures grapple with loyalty, power struggles, and personal vendettas that unravel against a backdrop of war.
Whether you’re a history enthusiast or a fan of epic narratives, 'Wars of the Roses: Bloodline' offers an unforgettable experience filled with intensity and intrigue. This B-format paperback is in brand new condition and makes a perfect addition to your historical fiction collection.
Shipping is available nationwide, ensuring your copy of this literary gem arrives at your doorstep promptly. Immerse yourself in the blood-stained glory of England’s past—order 'Wars of the Roses: Bloodline' today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780718196424
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2016
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 512
The third beautifully written novel in the War of the Roses series by bestselling author Conn Iggulden
- Winter 1461 -
Richard Duke of York is dead, his ambitions in ruins, his head spiked on the walls of York city.
King Henry VI is still held prisoner. His Lancastrian queen rides south with an army of northerners, accompanied by warriors from the Scottish Highlands. Margaret and her army seem unstoppable. But his death has unleashed York's sons.
Edward of March, now Duke of York, proclaims himself England's rightful king. Through blood and treason, broken men and vengeful women, brother shall confront brother, king shall face king.
Two men may claim a crown.
Only one can keep it.
In a gripping narrative, witness the aftermath of Richard Duke of York's death and the ensuing conflict between the Lancastrian loyalists and York's ambitious sons. Edward of March ascends as a formidable contender for the throne, embodying the lethal mix of aspiration and treachery that defined this critical era. As Margaret, Queen of the Lancastrians, rallies her northern forces, the stakes rise higher. These historical figures grapple with loyalty, power struggles, and personal vendettas that unravel against a backdrop of war.
Whether you’re a history enthusiast or a fan of epic narratives, 'Wars of the Roses: Bloodline' offers an unforgettable experience filled with intensity and intrigue. This B-format paperback is in brand new condition and makes a perfect addition to your historical fiction collection.
Shipping is available nationwide, ensuring your copy of this literary gem arrives at your doorstep promptly. Immerse yourself in the blood-stained glory of England’s past—order 'Wars of the Roses: Bloodline' today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780718196424
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2016
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 512
The third beautifully written novel in the War of the Roses series by bestselling author Conn Iggulden
- Winter 1461 -
Richard Duke of York is dead, his ambitions in ruins, his head spiked on the walls of York city.
King Henry VI is still held prisoner. His Lancastrian queen rides south with an army of northerners, accompanied by warriors from the Scottish Highlands. Margaret and her army seem unstoppable. But his death has unleashed York's sons.
Edward of March, now Duke of York, proclaims himself England's rightful king. Through blood and treason, broken men and vengeful women, brother shall confront brother, king shall face king.
Two men may claim a crown.
Only one can keep it.