Discover the intriguing world of literature with 'Verge 2019,' the fourteenth issue of Monash University's acclaimed creative writing journal. This collection artfully explores themes of the uncanny, featuring contributions from both established and emerging writers. Experience an array of captivating poems, compelling flash fiction, insightful creative non-fiction, and gripping short stories that delve into the eerie, the strange, and the unfamiliar within our everyday lives. From unsettling encounters with doppelgängers to chilling tales of the uncanny, each piece invites you to examine the bizarre aspects of existence that lie just beneath the surface of ordinary life. Immerse yourself in this literary journey that challenges your perceptions and evokes the mysterious elements of human experiences. Perfect for literary enthusiasts and anyone curious about exploring the unknown, 'Verge 2019' is a must-have addition to your collection. With FREE shipping, your order will arrive within 6 weeks. Please note that once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925835373
Year: 2019
Publisher: Monash University Publishing
The strangely familiar. The alien within the home. The
repressed impulse. Bloodsucking counts in castles. Dismembered limbs. Wax
models of famous figures. Trying to find a lost car in a parking lot. Being
given seat E21 at the cinema when you live at 21 Rose Grove and your 21st
birthday was last week. Doppelgängers, ghosts, déjà vu.
This is the fourteenth issue of Monash University's creative
writing journal, Verge.
Established and emerging writers have come together to fill
this collection with poems, flash fiction, creative non-fiction and short
stories that converge on the theme of the uncanny.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925835373
Year: 2019
Publisher: Monash University Publishing
The strangely familiar. The alien within the home. The
repressed impulse. Bloodsucking counts in castles. Dismembered limbs. Wax
models of famous figures. Trying to find a lost car in a parking lot. Being
given seat E21 at the cinema when you live at 21 Rose Grove and your 21st
birthday was last week. Doppelgängers, ghosts, déjà vu.
This is the fourteenth issue of Monash University's creative
writing journal, Verge.
Established and emerging writers have come together to fill
this collection with poems, flash fiction, creative non-fiction and short
stories that converge on the theme of the uncanny.