Discover the enchanting world of 'Unfamiliar Familiars: Extraordinary Animal Companions for the Modern Witch,' your ultimate guide to finding a unique familiar that resonates with your magical essence. Authored by the imaginative Justin DeVine and Megan Lynn Kott, this hardback treasure features 96 pages filled with whimsical watercolour illustrations and humorous insights into an array of extraordinary animals. Forget the typical black cat; delve into a diverse menagerie of potential companions that include narwhals known for their clairvoyance, playful albatrosses perfect for the seafaring witch, and even garden-loving earthworms ideal for summoning fish and nature's magic. This delightful guide incorporates a fun, interactive quiz to help you discover which unconventional familiar aligns with your personality and magical practice. Whether you practice spells, tarot, or simply seek a unique connection, 'Unfamiliar Familiars' serves as a charming resource for modern witches wanting to explore the mystical lore of animals. With engaging, tongue-in-cheek descriptions and pop culture references, each chapter invites laughter while educating you about the magical properties of every enchanting creature. Perfect for beginner witches or seasoned practitioners, this book is a must-have for those seeking to deepen their connection to the mystical and the natural world. Order now and let your journey in seeking your own extraordinary familiar commence! Delivery information: All orders ship within 1-3 business days, ensuring that you can quickly start your magical adventure.
Unfamiliar Familiars: Extraordinary Animal Companions for the Modern Witch
By Devine, Justin
By Lynn Kott, Megan
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Hardback
Number of Pages 96
Publisher Chronicle Books
The witch and her black cat are an iconic partnership, but every witch is different - shouldn't you have a familiar as unique and powerful as you are? Leave the toads and crows to the basic witches and consider some unconventional options when seeking your own arcane animal companion! With a helpful quiz to get you started, Unfamiliar Familiars is a lighthearted and humorous guide to finding the familiar best suited to your personality and particular magical needs - whether it be a narwhal (strong in clairvoyance and fencing), an albatross (best for seafaring witches), or an earthworm (for garden-based magic and fish summoning). Authors Justin DeVine and Megan Lynn Kott bring to life a menagerie of magical creatures from around the world with vibrant watercolour illustrations and tongue-in-cheek descriptions that not only detail real-life facts about each animal but also a playful read on its magical affinities as a familiar (for example, the bullfrog has a voice that can be heard up to half a mile away, making them ideal for musical enchantments and harmonising along with you in the car). Filled with playful pop culture references, unusual and engaging animal facts, and Megan's aww-inducing artwork, Unfamiliar Familiars brings a magical twist to the animal fact book for companion-seeking witches everywhere.
Unfamiliar Familiars: Extraordinary Animal Companions for the Modern Witch
By Devine, Justin
By Lynn Kott, Megan
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Hardback
Number of Pages 96
Publisher Chronicle Books
The witch and her black cat are an iconic partnership, but every witch is different - shouldn't you have a familiar as unique and powerful as you are? Leave the toads and crows to the basic witches and consider some unconventional options when seeking your own arcane animal companion! With a helpful quiz to get you started, Unfamiliar Familiars is a lighthearted and humorous guide to finding the familiar best suited to your personality and particular magical needs - whether it be a narwhal (strong in clairvoyance and fencing), an albatross (best for seafaring witches), or an earthworm (for garden-based magic and fish summoning). Authors Justin DeVine and Megan Lynn Kott bring to life a menagerie of magical creatures from around the world with vibrant watercolour illustrations and tongue-in-cheek descriptions that not only detail real-life facts about each animal but also a playful read on its magical affinities as a familiar (for example, the bullfrog has a voice that can be heard up to half a mile away, making them ideal for musical enchantments and harmonising along with you in the car). Filled with playful pop culture references, unusual and engaging animal facts, and Megan's aww-inducing artwork, Unfamiliar Familiars brings a magical twist to the animal fact book for companion-seeking witches everywhere.