Title: Twas the Night Before Christmas (Wordsworth ...
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions 05/09/2010
Publication Date: 2010
Binding: Soft cover
Edited by Rosemary Gray
Here is a book no Christmas stocking should be without, a book that positively distils the spirit of the season. The title poem, familiar to children and adults the world over, introduces a collection of stories and verse with a Christmas theme, guaranteed to engage and amuse readers young and old.
Title: Twas the Night Before Christmas (Wordsworth ...
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions 05/09/2010
Publication Date: 2010
Binding: Soft cover
Edited by Rosemary Gray
Here is a book no Christmas stocking should be without, a book that positively distils the spirit of the season. The title poem, familiar to children and adults the world over, introduces a collection of stories and verse with a Christmas theme, guaranteed to engage and amuse readers young and old.