Bind: paperback
Author: Billie Brown Publisher: Phoenix Education
Publication Date: 24-01-2013
tufff..." is about the friendship which develops between three schoolboys and what they can achieve together through understanding and tolerance. played with much energy, simplicity and sheer delight . about fear, pain and the contagiousness of shared experience — caring should be a key word. about prejudice — how the minds and attitudes of people, especially young people, are crystallised into 'closed shops' filled with sometimes wrong and dangerous preconceptions and lasting misconceptions. also very funny
The plot is simple ...
Emmett Rosebury, a boy who has lost the use of his legs, spends a lot of time at the beach. He finds a shell on the beach which gives him ideas.
His solitude is interrupted by the arrival of Springle and Blackburn.
It is a school day and everyone at the school has to receive the needle but unbeknown to Springle and Blackburn, Rosebury has already had his needle and school has been cancelled for the day. Springle and Blackburn had already decided to skip school, and the needle, and spend the day at the beach.
They meet Rosebury at the beach and from there the relationship between them develops into one where Springle and Blackburn overcome their prejudice and come to accept Rosebury and understand that he is not really that different…
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