Discover the gripping narrative of 'Three Cheers For The Paraclete', a thought-provoking novel penned by acclaimed author Thomas Keneally. This captivating B-format paperback effortlessly blends humor and intellect, exploring the complexities of morality and the conflicts faced by Father Maitland at St Peter's. As a winner of the esteemed Miles Franklin Award, this book delves into the dilemmas of faith and humanity, offering readers a rich tapestry of character-driven storytelling. With 284 pages of engaging prose, Keneally masterfully portrays the tension between personal conviction and institutional restraint. Whether you're a fan of literary fiction or looking to explore the contradictions within the church, 'Three Cheers For The Paraclete' is a must-read. Perfect for book clubs and avid readers alike, this edition from RANDOM HOUSE AUSTRALIA promises to leave you reflecting on moral intricacies long after the last page is turned. Immerse yourself in a novel that challenges societal norms and humanizes the sacred, and order your copy today. Delivery information ensures that your brand new book will arrive promptly, right to your doorstep, making your reading experience seamless and enjoyable.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741667608
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2008
Pages: 284
Winner of the 1968 Miles Franklin Award
Winner of the 1968 Miles Franklin Award
From the moment he allows his young cousin and bride to spend the night in his room, Father Maitland causes raised eyebrows and dark mutterings amongst the brothers at St Peter's. Time and again his efforts to do the right thing for his fellow men lead him into conflict with his superiors and the immutable laws of the church - a conflict which ultimately threatens to destroy him both as a priest and as a man.
Thomas Keneally's darkly satirical novel, which won him his second successive Miles Franklin Award resounds with intellect and humour.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741667608
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2008
Pages: 284
Winner of the 1968 Miles Franklin Award
Winner of the 1968 Miles Franklin Award
From the moment he allows his young cousin and bride to spend the night in his room, Father Maitland causes raised eyebrows and dark mutterings amongst the brothers at St Peter's. Time and again his efforts to do the right thing for his fellow men lead him into conflict with his superiors and the immutable laws of the church - a conflict which ultimately threatens to destroy him both as a priest and as a man.
Thomas Keneally's darkly satirical novel, which won him his second successive Miles Franklin Award resounds with intellect and humour.