Dive into the captivating narrative of "Those Not-So-Sweet Boys 2," a compelling romance manga that expertly blends themes of love, friendship, and high school drama. Written by the acclaimed Yoko Nogiri, known for her previous hits like *That Wolf-Boy Is Mine!* and *Love in Focus*, this enchanting story follows Midori, a diligent high school student who unexpectedly finds herself drawn to a notorious bad boy, Rei. As Midori navigates her feelings, she discovers the layered complexities of friendship and the reality behind the boys' lives, which aren't what they seem at first glance. This installment reveals Midori's personal growth and the emotional struggles she faces as she grapples with uncertainty in her relationships. With 160 pages of engaging storytelling and beautiful artwork, this shojo manga is a must-have for those who cherish tales of heartfelt connections and youthful adventures. Perfect for fans of romance manga, *Those Not-So-Sweet Boys 2* invites readers to explore the ups and downs of teenage love in a relatable and heartfelt way. Whether you're new to Nogiri's work or an avid follower, this volume promises to leave you eagerly anticipating the next chapter in Midori's journey. Grab your copy today and experience the charm of Yoko Nogiri's latest creation. For shipping, enjoy fast delivery options that will get this wonderful addition to your manga collection in your hands in no time.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646511976
Year: 2021
Pages: 160
From the creator of That Wolf-Boy Is Mine! and Love in Focus comes a story of a hard-working high schooler who falls for a bad boy, and discovers that the the lives of him and his friends are nothing like what she imagined. Don't miss Yoko Nogiri's newest shojo hit!
From the creator of That Wolf-Boy Is Mine! and Love in Focus comes a story of a hard-working high schooler who falls for a bad boy, and discovers that the the lives of him and his friends are nothing like what she imagined. Don't miss Yoko Nogiri's newest shojo hit!
After working hard to get Rei, Chihiro, and Yukinojo to come to school and even convincing them to take part in Sports Day, Midori realizes just how much she cares for Rei. But when Yukinojo informs her that her efforts are no longer needed, she starts to worry that all three boys have hated her all along...
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646511976
Year: 2021
Pages: 160
From the creator of That Wolf-Boy Is Mine! and Love in Focus comes a story of a hard-working high schooler who falls for a bad boy, and discovers that the the lives of him and his friends are nothing like what she imagined. Don't miss Yoko Nogiri's newest shojo hit!
From the creator of That Wolf-Boy Is Mine! and Love in Focus comes a story of a hard-working high schooler who falls for a bad boy, and discovers that the the lives of him and his friends are nothing like what she imagined. Don't miss Yoko Nogiri's newest shojo hit!
After working hard to get Rei, Chihiro, and Yukinojo to come to school and even convincing them to take part in Sports Day, Midori realizes just how much she cares for Rei. But when Yukinojo informs her that her efforts are no longer needed, she starts to worry that all three boys have hated her all along...