Discover the captivating story of resilience and determination in 'The Woman with the Cure.' This gripping novel, published by Penguin Group USA in 2023, explores the life of Dorothy Horstmann, a trailblazing scientist in a time when women faced unprecedented challenges in the male-dominated field of medicine. Set against the backdrop of the 1940s and 50s, during the height of the polio epidemic that paralyzed America, this enthralling narrative illustrates her relentless pursuit of a polio vaccine amidst fierce competition. With every page, readers are drawn into her world, where the stakes are impossibly high, and the quest for a cure becomes a matter of life and death.
As a doctor, Dorothy embodies the spirit of innovation, tackling monumental hurdles from her humble beginnings as the daughter of immigrants. Her journey is not just a race against time; it is a profound statement about the role of women in science and their undeniable contributions to the world. 'The Woman with the Cure' sheds light on the historical context of a pandemic and the sacrifices made in pursuit of scientific breakthroughs.
With a vibrant blend of historical fact and fiction, this novel highlights themes of dedication, sacrifice, and the complexities of morality in medicine. Join Dorothy on her inspiring journey as she faces the ultimate moral dilemma between personal ambition and the greater good. Perfect for those seeking empowerment stories in literature, this book is a testament to the incredible power of women in science.
Shipping details: We offer fast and reliable shipping options to ensure you receive your brand new trade paperback in no time. Order now and be part of the inspiring journey to find a cure!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780593438060
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
"Huge applause...women havealwaysbeen in science-despite those who would pretend otherwise." --Bonnie Garmus, New York Times bestselling author of Lessons in Chemistry
She gave up everything - and changed the world.
A riveting novel based on the true story of the woman who stopped a pandemic, from the bestselling author of Mrs. Poe.
In 1940s and '50s America, polio is as dreaded as the atomic bomb. No one's life is untouched by this disease that kills or paralyzes its victims, particularly children. Outbreaks of the virus across the country regularly put American cities in lockdown. Some of the world's best minds are engaged in the race to find a vaccine. The man who succeeds will be a god.
But Dorothy Horstmann is not focused on beating her colleagues to the vaccine. She just wants the world to have a cure. Applying the same determination that lifted her from a humble background as the daughter of immigrants, to becoming a doctor -often the only woman in the room--she hunts down the monster where it lurks- in the blood.
This discovery of hers, and an error by a competitor, catapults her closest colleague to a lead in the race. When his chance to win comes on a worldwide scale, she is asked to sink or validate his vaccine-and to decide what is forgivable, and how much should be sacrificed, in pursuit of the cure.
As a doctor, Dorothy embodies the spirit of innovation, tackling monumental hurdles from her humble beginnings as the daughter of immigrants. Her journey is not just a race against time; it is a profound statement about the role of women in science and their undeniable contributions to the world. 'The Woman with the Cure' sheds light on the historical context of a pandemic and the sacrifices made in pursuit of scientific breakthroughs.
With a vibrant blend of historical fact and fiction, this novel highlights themes of dedication, sacrifice, and the complexities of morality in medicine. Join Dorothy on her inspiring journey as she faces the ultimate moral dilemma between personal ambition and the greater good. Perfect for those seeking empowerment stories in literature, this book is a testament to the incredible power of women in science.
Shipping details: We offer fast and reliable shipping options to ensure you receive your brand new trade paperback in no time. Order now and be part of the inspiring journey to find a cure!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780593438060
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
"Huge applause...women havealwaysbeen in science-despite those who would pretend otherwise." --Bonnie Garmus, New York Times bestselling author of Lessons in Chemistry
She gave up everything - and changed the world.
A riveting novel based on the true story of the woman who stopped a pandemic, from the bestselling author of Mrs. Poe.
In 1940s and '50s America, polio is as dreaded as the atomic bomb. No one's life is untouched by this disease that kills or paralyzes its victims, particularly children. Outbreaks of the virus across the country regularly put American cities in lockdown. Some of the world's best minds are engaged in the race to find a vaccine. The man who succeeds will be a god.
But Dorothy Horstmann is not focused on beating her colleagues to the vaccine. She just wants the world to have a cure. Applying the same determination that lifted her from a humble background as the daughter of immigrants, to becoming a doctor -often the only woman in the room--she hunts down the monster where it lurks- in the blood.
This discovery of hers, and an error by a competitor, catapults her closest colleague to a lead in the race. When his chance to win comes on a worldwide scale, she is asked to sink or validate his vaccine-and to decide what is forgivable, and how much should be sacrificed, in pursuit of the cure.