Discover the enchanting tale of friendship in 'The Woman, The Mink, The Cod, and The Donkey' by Margerie Swash. This delightful hardback book, published by Hachette, invites readers to embark on a whimsical journey filled with laughter, life lessons, and unexpected companions. With dimensions of 158 x 206 mm and 96 pages of beautifully crafted illustrations, this book offers a delightful escape into a world where companionship knows no bounds. Follow the woman on her quest to find an open pub after a long separation due to lockdown—a journey that leads her to meet a charming mink, a quirky cod, and a donkey with an uncanny resemblance to Donald Trump. As they traverse their unique adventures, they exchange valuable lessons about life, travel insurance, and the necessity of comfortable clothing. Perfect for readers of all ages, this timeless story emphasizes the importance of friendship and the joys of travel—making it an ideal gift for book lovers or a vibrant addition to your personal library. Order now and enjoy the magical blend of humor and heart in this charming narrative about a woman seeking camaraderie and safety amidst delightful chaos. Enjoy hassle-free delivery right within New Zealand, as this product is in stock locally! Get ready to dive into a unique reading experience that promises to warm your heart and spark your imagination.
Dimensions: 158 x 206 mm
Pages: 96
Bind: hardback
Author: Margerie Swash Publisher: Hachette
Publication Date: 31-01-2022
She was looking for wine. Instead she found friendship. (Okay, it was with three animals, but she really hadn't drunk any wine at that point, promise.) --- Come, dearest reader, and dive into this book. It's warm and safe in here, which you will have guessed already because it's about a human and three animals. You might not be able to remember the animals or the order they fall within the title, but that doesn't matter. The pictures will remind you that the story is about a woman, a mink, a salmon and a donkey. COD, not salmon, sorry - it's a cod. The woman is embarking on an important journey. She does not know her destination, but she knows what she'll find when she gets there: an open pub. It has been a long time since she has been in one due to a strange, sad region of yester-year called 'Lockdown'. On her travels she bumps into the mink, the cod and a donkey who inexplicably resembles Donald Trump, and together they discuss their most valued life lessons, such as the value of travel insurance, and why it's always important to wear breathable pants.
We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ which means no unexpected import charges, custom duty or tax.
Dimensions: 158 x 206 mm
Pages: 96
Bind: hardback
Author: Margerie Swash Publisher: Hachette
Publication Date: 31-01-2022
She was looking for wine. Instead she found friendship. (Okay, it was with three animals, but she really hadn't drunk any wine at that point, promise.) --- Come, dearest reader, and dive into this book. It's warm and safe in here, which you will have guessed already because it's about a human and three animals. You might not be able to remember the animals or the order they fall within the title, but that doesn't matter. The pictures will remind you that the story is about a woman, a mink, a salmon and a donkey. COD, not salmon, sorry - it's a cod. The woman is embarking on an important journey. She does not know her destination, but she knows what she'll find when she gets there: an open pub. It has been a long time since she has been in one due to a strange, sad region of yester-year called 'Lockdown'. On her travels she bumps into the mink, the cod and a donkey who inexplicably resembles Donald Trump, and together they discuss their most valued life lessons, such as the value of travel insurance, and why it's always important to wear breathable pants.
We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ which means no unexpected import charges, custom duty or tax.