Discover a captivating tale in *The Woman from Uruguay*, the latest acclaimed novel by renowned Argentine author Pedro Mairal, translated by the Man Booker International-winning Jennifer Croft. This poignant story unfolds over a single day, following Lucas Pereyra, a middle-aged writer grappling with life's challenges. As he travels from Buenos Aires to Montevideo to collect a much-needed cash advance for his upcoming novel, Lucas reflects on his strained marriage while yearning for the enchanting Magala Guerra Zabala, a woman he met at a conference. This touching narrative explores themes of love, longing, and the complexities of human relationships, set against the backdrop of Uruguay's stunning coastline. Perfect for readers of contemporary Latin American literature, *The Woman from Uruguay* offers a transformative experience that resonates with anyone who has faced the trials of love. With 160 pages of gripping narrative and emotional depth, it's no surprise this book is an international bestseller, captivating audiences across 14 countries. Experience this literary gem today and immerse yourself in a story that will leave you contemplating the nature of desire and connection. Available as a brand new trade paperback edition, published by Bloomsbury in 2021. Order now and enjoy fast delivery right to your doorstep!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781526633606
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 160
New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice
From acclaimed Argentine author Pedro Mairal and Man Booker International-winning translator Jennifer Croft, the unforgettable story of two would-be lovers over the course of a single day.
Lucas Pereyra, an unemployed writer in his forties, embarks on a day trip from Buenos Aires to Montevideo to pick up fifteen thousand dollars in cash. An advance due to him on his upcoming novel, the small fortune might mean the solution to his problems, most importantly the tension he has with his wife. While she spends her days at work and her nights out on the town with a lover, perhaps, he doesn't know for sure Lucas is stuck at home all day staring at the blank page, caring for his son Maiko and fantasizing about the one thing that keeps him going- the woman from Uruguay whom he met at a conference and has been longing to see ever since.
But that woman, Magala Guerra Zabala, is a free spirit with her own relationship troubles, and the day they spend together in this beautiful city on the beach winds up being nothing like Lucas predicted. The constantly surprising, moving story of this dramatically transformative day in their lives, The Woman from Uruguay is both a gripping narrative and a tender, thought-provoking exploration of the nature of relationships. An international bestseller published in fourteen countries, it is the masterpiece of one of the most original voices in Latin American literature today.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781526633606
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 160
New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice
From acclaimed Argentine author Pedro Mairal and Man Booker International-winning translator Jennifer Croft, the unforgettable story of two would-be lovers over the course of a single day.
Lucas Pereyra, an unemployed writer in his forties, embarks on a day trip from Buenos Aires to Montevideo to pick up fifteen thousand dollars in cash. An advance due to him on his upcoming novel, the small fortune might mean the solution to his problems, most importantly the tension he has with his wife. While she spends her days at work and her nights out on the town with a lover, perhaps, he doesn't know for sure Lucas is stuck at home all day staring at the blank page, caring for his son Maiko and fantasizing about the one thing that keeps him going- the woman from Uruguay whom he met at a conference and has been longing to see ever since.
But that woman, Magala Guerra Zabala, is a free spirit with her own relationship troubles, and the day they spend together in this beautiful city on the beach winds up being nothing like Lucas predicted. The constantly surprising, moving story of this dramatically transformative day in their lives, The Woman from Uruguay is both a gripping narrative and a tender, thought-provoking exploration of the nature of relationships. An international bestseller published in fourteen countries, it is the masterpiece of one of the most original voices in Latin American literature today.