Discover an enchanting tale with 'The Wintrish Girl,' a brand new B-format paperback published by the University of Queensland Press in 2022. This spellbinding debut novel captures the essence of belonging, self-discovery, and the pursuit of one's true home. Set in the mystical Province of Arylia, the story begins on Talisman Day — a revered event where every child receives powerful objects that can change their destinies. However, for Penn, the Wintrish servant girl, fate takes a different turn.
Bound to the pampered Princess Seraphine since birth, Penn dreams of her home in the Province of Midwinter, yearning to uncover her true family. But her world is turned upside down when a dark, long-forgotten evil awakens, and the Princess is kidnapped. Forced to embark on a thrilling adventure, Penn must confront perilous challenges and formidable enemies. Joined by unlikely allies, including a dragon with an odd fear of unicorns, can she rise to the occasion and save the day?
Dive into a narrative that blends magic, adventure, and courage in a quest for identity and belonging. 'The Wintrish Girl' is perfect for fans of fantasy novels, young readers, and anyone seeking a heartwarming story filled with friendship and bravery. This exciting journey illustrates that even without a Talisman, one can change their fate through determination and courage.
Delivery information: Available for fast shipping, ensuring you get your hands on this compelling story quickly! Order now and embark on this unforgettable adventure!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780702265631
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: University of Queensland Press
A wildly fun debut about not quite belonging, forging your own path and finding your true home.
On Talisman Day in the Province of Arylia, all children receive powerful objects that change their lives forever. All children except for the Wintrish servant girl Penn, that is.
Bound to the spoiled Princess Seraphine since birth, Penn has never known her true family. While she longs to return to her own Province of Midwinter and find them, she knows that all her future holds is a lifetime of loneliness.
But a long-forgotten evil is stirring, and destinies are about to change ...
When the Princess is kidnapped, Penn is forced to run for her life to clear her own name. With the help of some unexpected friends and a dragon with a fear of unicorns, she faces deadly peril and formidable foes. But can one ordinary Wintrish girl save the day?
Because without a Talisman, there's no changing your fate - is there?
Bound to the pampered Princess Seraphine since birth, Penn dreams of her home in the Province of Midwinter, yearning to uncover her true family. But her world is turned upside down when a dark, long-forgotten evil awakens, and the Princess is kidnapped. Forced to embark on a thrilling adventure, Penn must confront perilous challenges and formidable enemies. Joined by unlikely allies, including a dragon with an odd fear of unicorns, can she rise to the occasion and save the day?
Dive into a narrative that blends magic, adventure, and courage in a quest for identity and belonging. 'The Wintrish Girl' is perfect for fans of fantasy novels, young readers, and anyone seeking a heartwarming story filled with friendship and bravery. This exciting journey illustrates that even without a Talisman, one can change their fate through determination and courage.
Delivery information: Available for fast shipping, ensuring you get your hands on this compelling story quickly! Order now and embark on this unforgettable adventure!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780702265631
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: University of Queensland Press
A wildly fun debut about not quite belonging, forging your own path and finding your true home.
On Talisman Day in the Province of Arylia, all children receive powerful objects that change their lives forever. All children except for the Wintrish servant girl Penn, that is.
Bound to the spoiled Princess Seraphine since birth, Penn has never known her true family. While she longs to return to her own Province of Midwinter and find them, she knows that all her future holds is a lifetime of loneliness.
But a long-forgotten evil is stirring, and destinies are about to change ...
When the Princess is kidnapped, Penn is forced to run for her life to clear her own name. With the help of some unexpected friends and a dragon with a fear of unicorns, she faces deadly peril and formidable foes. But can one ordinary Wintrish girl save the day?
Because without a Talisman, there's no changing your fate - is there?