Discover the poignant journey of 'The War for Gloria,' a gripping novel by acclaimed author Lish that delves into the complexities of love, family, and sacrifice. Set against the backdrop of working-class Boston, the story follows young Corey Goltz, who is determined to care for his mother, Gloria, after she is diagnosed with ALS—a devastating disease that changes everything. As Corey faces the challenges of adulthood at a young age, he grapples with the reemergence of his father, Leonard, a man whose charisma is overshadowed by a darker reality. Through heart-wrenching adversity, Corey must uncover the truths behind his father's genius and the shadows it casts on their lives. This beautifully crafted narrative will resonate with anyone who has fought for a loved one, offering insights into resilience and the human spirit. Immerse yourself in a tale that is both heartbreaking and inspiring, proving that love sometimes demands the ultimate sacrifice. 'The War for Gloria' is not just a novel; it's an exploration of familial bonds and the fight against time and disease. This 2022 publication from Profile Books features striking prose and deep emotional resonance that will linger long after the last page is turned. Don't miss out on adding this contemporary classic to your reading collection today! Fast delivery options available to ensure you receive your order promptly. Perfect for fans of literary fiction and those seeking stories of hope amidst turmoil.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781800812659
Year: 2022
Publisher: Profile Books
Corey Goltz grows up in working-class Boston as the only child of Gloria, whose intellectual ambitions were derailed early. Corey, restless, dreams of a great adventure.
Instead, when he is fifteen, Gloria is diagnosed with ALS and, too late, his estranged father, Leonard - a man of great charisma and deep resentments - reenters the picture. Determined to be his mother's hero at any cost, Corey begins shouldering responsibility for her expensive medical care, pushing himself to his physical and emotional limits as her disease progresses. And as Leonard's influence over Corey grows, Corey must dismantle the myth of his father's genius and confront the evil that lurks beneath it.
This is a heartbreaking, shocking and beautiful novel. It confirms Lish as one of the greatest storytellers and prose stylists in the English language.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781800812659
Year: 2022
Publisher: Profile Books
Corey Goltz grows up in working-class Boston as the only child of Gloria, whose intellectual ambitions were derailed early. Corey, restless, dreams of a great adventure.
Instead, when he is fifteen, Gloria is diagnosed with ALS and, too late, his estranged father, Leonard - a man of great charisma and deep resentments - reenters the picture. Determined to be his mother's hero at any cost, Corey begins shouldering responsibility for her expensive medical care, pushing himself to his physical and emotional limits as her disease progresses. And as Leonard's influence over Corey grows, Corey must dismantle the myth of his father's genius and confront the evil that lurks beneath it.
This is a heartbreaking, shocking and beautiful novel. It confirms Lish as one of the greatest storytellers and prose stylists in the English language.