Discover 'The Uganda Sails Wednesday,' a gripping historical fiction novel by Stuart Condie, published by Red Door Press. Set in 1960, this compelling tale follows Heather Fontwell, a woman navigating a perilous journey to Kenya while pregnant with her lover’s child. As Heather boards the SS Uganda, eager to reunite with her husband William, she hopes to convince him that the baby is his. Along her voyage, she grapples with morning sickness and the cruel treatment from Mombasa’s harbourmaster, Carruthers, adding layers of tension to her already tumultuous situation. With 336 pages of expertly crafted prose, this hardback novel invites readers into a world filled with emotional turmoil and historical intrigue. The plot thickens as William becomes embroiled in plantation scandals, leading to a heart-stopping climax in Mombasa when he learns the shocking truth about his wife’s fate. Perfect for fans of historical narratives and emotional chronicles, 'The Uganda Sails Wednesday' is a must-read that offers an unforgettable literary experience. Enjoy fast shipping within New Zealand, with no unexpected import charges or duties, as this item is in stock locally. Add this captivating title to your collection today!
Dimensions: 129 x 198 mm
Pages: 336
Bind: hardback
Author: Stuart Condie Publisher: Red Door Press
Publication Date: 21-05-2020
It's 1960, and pregnant with her lover's child, Heather Fontwell makes a plan to visit her husband William at the tea plantation he manages in Kenya. She books passage on the SS Uganda, hoping to convince him that the baby is his. In Kenya, William is distracted by news of financial misconduct at the plantation, something he suspects may be down to Mombasa harbourmaster Carruthers – currently on the SS Uganda making his way back to Kenya... During her journey, Heather meets resistance, travelling as a single woman, particularly from the unpleasant Carruthers. The morning sickness she is hiding leads her to rely more and more on the thaliadomide tablets that the ship matron is handing out like sweets. When events take a tragic turn,William arrives at the port in Mombasa to find no wife and a captain and crew who seem to be hiding the truth...
We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ which means no unexpected import charges, custom duty or tax.
Dimensions: 129 x 198 mm
Pages: 336
Bind: hardback
Author: Stuart Condie Publisher: Red Door Press
Publication Date: 21-05-2020
It's 1960, and pregnant with her lover's child, Heather Fontwell makes a plan to visit her husband William at the tea plantation he manages in Kenya. She books passage on the SS Uganda, hoping to convince him that the baby is his. In Kenya, William is distracted by news of financial misconduct at the plantation, something he suspects may be down to Mombasa harbourmaster Carruthers – currently on the SS Uganda making his way back to Kenya... During her journey, Heather meets resistance, travelling as a single woman, particularly from the unpleasant Carruthers. The morning sickness she is hiding leads her to rely more and more on the thaliadomide tablets that the ship matron is handing out like sweets. When events take a tragic turn,William arrives at the port in Mombasa to find no wife and a captain and crew who seem to be hiding the truth...
We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ which means no unexpected import charges, custom duty or tax.