Discover the heartwarming story of 'The Turbo Pup,' a delightful children's book by Fiona Harris, published by Scholastic Australia. This enchanting tale follows CJ, a small yet extraordinary puppy, who faces the challenges of being mocked by larger dogs due to his size. With 24 beautifully illustrated pages, this story not only captivates young readers but also teaches them valuable lessons about bravery and self-acceptance. As CJ discovers his special ability to run super fast, he finds himself in the spotlight when the town is in danger. Will this tiny hero rise to the occasion and save the day? 'The Turbo Pup' is perfect for kids who love adventure and dogs, making it an excellent addition to any child's bookshelf. Ideal for ages 4-8, this book promotes themes of friendship, resilience, and the belief that even the smallest among us can make a big difference. Engage your child's imagination and inspire them with CJ's journey today! Fast shipping is available, ensuring your little one can immerse themselves in this fun and inspiring story without delay.
The Turbo Pup
By Harris, Fiona
Number of Pages 24
CJ is small, this much is true, but there is something special this puppy can do ... CJ the pup is mocked by the bigger dogs for his size. But when the town is in danger, can the super speedy puppy save the day? Written by rugby league star, Tom Trbojevic.
The Turbo Pup
By Harris, Fiona
Number of Pages 24
CJ is small, this much is true, but there is something special this puppy can do ... CJ the pup is mocked by the bigger dogs for his size. But when the town is in danger, can the super speedy puppy save the day? Written by rugby league star, Tom Trbojevic.