Discover the delightful world of 'The Tea Chest', a captivating novel that harmoniously blends humor, charm, and a little bit of spice. This enchanting book, penned by renowned tea designer Kate Fullerton, takes you on a journey through the lives of three remarkable women facing life's unexpected challenges. The story unfolds in the backdrop of a bustling London, where Kate, Leila Morton, and Elizabeth Clancy come together to manifest Kate's dream of opening the most exquisite tea shop in the city. With 392 pages of engaging content, this beautifully crafted narrative is filled with heartwarming moments and the comforting aromas of delectable tea blends enriched with bergamot, Indian spices, zesty lemon, and luscious caramel. Perfect for anyone seeking inspiration and a dash of humor, 'The Tea Chest' invites readers to experience the power of friendship and resilience amidst life's trials. Whether you’re looking to relax with a cup of tea or seeking a heartfelt story, this book is your ideal companion. Your journey into this aromatic world awaits, and delivery options ensure your book arrives at your doorstep in impeccable condition. Grab your copy now and indulge in this fabulous read that promises to leave you uplifted and enchanted!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760113094
Year: 2015
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 392
'Stunning, witty and enchanting.' Fleur McDonald
Kate Fullerton, talented tea designer and now co-owner of The Tea Chest, could never have imagined that she'd risk her young family's future to save her fledgling business.
Meanwhile, Leila Morton has just lost her job; and if Elizabeth Clancy had known today was the day she would appear on the nightly news, she might at least have put on some clothes. Both need to move on.
When Kate, Leila and Elizabeth's paths cross, they throw themselves into realising Kate's vision of the newest and most delectable tea shop in London, The Tea Chest.
An enchanting, witty novel about the unexpected situations life throws at us, and how love and friendship help us through. Written with heart and infused with the seductive scents of bergamot, Indian spices, lemon, rose and caramel, it's a world you won't want to leave.
'I loved it - a perfect blend of sweet and spice.' Jenny Colgan
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760113094
Year: 2015
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 392
'Stunning, witty and enchanting.' Fleur McDonald
Kate Fullerton, talented tea designer and now co-owner of The Tea Chest, could never have imagined that she'd risk her young family's future to save her fledgling business.
Meanwhile, Leila Morton has just lost her job; and if Elizabeth Clancy had known today was the day she would appear on the nightly news, she might at least have put on some clothes. Both need to move on.
When Kate, Leila and Elizabeth's paths cross, they throw themselves into realising Kate's vision of the newest and most delectable tea shop in London, The Tea Chest.
An enchanting, witty novel about the unexpected situations life throws at us, and how love and friendship help us through. Written with heart and infused with the seductive scents of bergamot, Indian spices, lemon, rose and caramel, it's a world you won't want to leave.
'I loved it - a perfect blend of sweet and spice.' Jenny Colgan