Discover a beautifully crafted tale in *The Talk of Pram Town*, a captivating B-format paperback, published by Pan Macmillan UK in 2022. This delightful novel follows the life of eleven-year-old Sadie and her vibrant mother, Connie, who aspires to achieve stardom as a singer in their modest Leeds home. Their world turns upside down after an unexpected event leads to a life-altering reunion with Jean, Connie's estranged mother, who hasn't seen her daughter since she left home pregnant at seventeen. Can this family navigate the complexities of their past to find a silver lining amid heartache? Perfect for fans of *Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine* and *Queenie Malone's Paradise Hotel*, Joanna Nadin's *The Talk of Pram Town* beautifully explores themes of motherhood, second chances, and the bonds that tie us. With 432 pages of rich storytelling and memorable characters, this novel promises to touch your heart and spark joy with every chapter. Free shipping is available, and delivery may take up to 6 weeks. Note: Once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled. ISBN 9781529024647. Grab your copy today and immerse yourself in this heartwarming story that lingers long after the last page!
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529024647
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Pan Macmillan UK
Pages: 432
'Beautifully written and deliciously clever - the characters will stay with you for a long time and you’ll find joy on every page. Really can’t recommend it enough' Matson Taylor, author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick, The Miseducation of Evie Epworth
It’s 1981. Eleven-year-old Sadie adores her beautiful and vibrant mother, Connie, whose dreams of making it big as a singer fill their tiny house in Leeds. It’s always been just the two of them. Until the unthinkable happens.
Jean hasn’t seen her good-for-nothing daughter Connie since she ran away from the family home in Harlow – or Pram Town as its inhabitants affectionately call it – aged seventeen and pregnant.
But in the wake of the Royal Wedding, Jean gets a life-changing call: could she please come and collect the granddaughter she’s never met?
We all know how Charles and Diana turned out, and Jean and Sadie are hardly a match made in heaven – but is there hope of a happy ending for them?
For fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and Queenie Malone’s Paradise Hotel, Joanna Nadin's The Talk of Pram Town tells a story about mothers, daughters and second chances . . .
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529024647
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Pan Macmillan UK
Pages: 432
'Beautifully written and deliciously clever - the characters will stay with you for a long time and you’ll find joy on every page. Really can’t recommend it enough' Matson Taylor, author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick, The Miseducation of Evie Epworth
It’s 1981. Eleven-year-old Sadie adores her beautiful and vibrant mother, Connie, whose dreams of making it big as a singer fill their tiny house in Leeds. It’s always been just the two of them. Until the unthinkable happens.
Jean hasn’t seen her good-for-nothing daughter Connie since she ran away from the family home in Harlow – or Pram Town as its inhabitants affectionately call it – aged seventeen and pregnant.
But in the wake of the Royal Wedding, Jean gets a life-changing call: could she please come and collect the granddaughter she’s never met?
We all know how Charles and Diana turned out, and Jean and Sadie are hardly a match made in heaven – but is there hope of a happy ending for them?
For fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and Queenie Malone’s Paradise Hotel, Joanna Nadin's The Talk of Pram Town tells a story about mothers, daughters and second chances . . .