Discover the chilling medieval ghost story, "The Tale of the Tailor and the Three Dead Kings," expertly retold by bestselling historian Dan Jones. This captivating narrative, perfect for fans of spooky stories and historical fiction, brings to life a dark winter night during the reign of King Richard II. The tailor's fateful ride home from Gilling to Ampleforth takes a sinister turn when he encounters a raven that transforms into a ghastly dog, delivering an eerie warning about the need for absolution. Originally recorded in the early fifteenth century, this ghostly tale has captivated readers for centuries. This beautifully crafted small-format hardback edition is not only a perfect Halloween read but also an ideal Christmas gift for lovers of medieval stories and ghost lore. Immerse yourself in the spine-tingling atmosphere as you delve into this retelling inspired by an ancient manuscript, further enriched by Dan Jones’s evocative storytelling. The book, published by Bloomsbury in 2021, contains 96 pages of haunting narrative that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Order now to secure your copy of this must-have ghost story book, ideal for anyone who enjoys chilling tales steeped in history. Fast delivery options available to ensure you receive this gem promptly. Don't miss out on this exceptional addition to your library of medieval literature and ghost stories.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781801101295
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2021
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 96
A chilling medieval ghost story, retold by bestselling historian Dan Jones. Published in a beautiful small-format hardback, perfect as a Halloween read or a Christmas gift.
One winter, in the dark days of King Richard II, a tailor was riding home on the road from Gilling to Ampleforth. It was dank, wet and gloomy; he couldn't wait to get home and sit in front of a blazing fire.
Then, out of nowhere, the tailor is knocked off his horse by a raven, who then transforms into a hideous dog, his mouth writhing with its own innards. The dog issues the tailor with a warning- he must go to a priest and ask for absolution and return to the road, or else there will be consequences...
First recorded in the early fifteenth century by an unknown monk, The Tale of the Tailor and the Three Dead Kings was transcribed from the Latin by the great medievalist M.R. James in 1922. Building on that tradition, now bestselling historian Dan Jones retells this medieval ghost story in crisp and creepy prose.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781801101295
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2021
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 96
A chilling medieval ghost story, retold by bestselling historian Dan Jones. Published in a beautiful small-format hardback, perfect as a Halloween read or a Christmas gift.
One winter, in the dark days of King Richard II, a tailor was riding home on the road from Gilling to Ampleforth. It was dank, wet and gloomy; he couldn't wait to get home and sit in front of a blazing fire.
Then, out of nowhere, the tailor is knocked off his horse by a raven, who then transforms into a hideous dog, his mouth writhing with its own innards. The dog issues the tailor with a warning- he must go to a priest and ask for absolution and return to the road, or else there will be consequences...
First recorded in the early fifteenth century by an unknown monk, The Tale of the Tailor and the Three Dead Kings was transcribed from the Latin by the great medievalist M.R. James in 1922. Building on that tradition, now bestselling historian Dan Jones retells this medieval ghost story in crisp and creepy prose.