Discover the captivating novel 'The Singularity,' a poignant exploration of grief, migration, and motherhood by Swedish author Balsam Karam. This powerful narrative unfolds in an unnamed coastal city, where themes of loss, identity, and resilience take center stage. As a mother searches for her missing daughter amidst a landscape of refugees, the haunting echoes of her sorrow lead to a heartbreaking moment that intertwines with the life of another woman facing her own tragic reality. Karam's lyrical prose draws readers into a rich tapestry of emotions, capturing the essence of human experience in times of turmoil. Experience this unique English-language debut that challenges our understanding of grief and memory. Ideal for readers interested in literary fiction, this trade paperback format (UK, ISBN: 9781922790583) promises to be a thought-provoking addition to your bookshelf. Perfect for anyone seeking a deeply emotional narrative that reflects on the complexities of migration and motherhood. Delivered brand new straight to your door, don’t miss your chance to explore the profound themes within 'The Singularity.'
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781922790583
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2024
Publisher: The Text Publishing Company
Lyrical and breathtaking, a study of grief, migration, and motherhood from one of Sweden's most exciting new novelists.
In an unnamed coastal city filled with refugees, the mother of a displaced family calls out her daughter's name as she wanders the cliffside road where the child once worked. The mother searches in vain until, spent from grief, she throws herself into the sea. Bearing witness to the suicide is another woman, there on a business trip; she will soon give birth to a stillborn baby. In the wake of her pain, the second woman remembers other losses-of a language, a country, an identity-when her family fled a distant war. In this powerful and moving novel, Balsam Karam offers a fresh approach to language and narrative as she questions our assumptions and perspectives. Her English-language debut, The Singularity is a compelling exploration of loss, history, and memory.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781922790583
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2024
Publisher: The Text Publishing Company
Lyrical and breathtaking, a study of grief, migration, and motherhood from one of Sweden's most exciting new novelists.
In an unnamed coastal city filled with refugees, the mother of a displaced family calls out her daughter's name as she wanders the cliffside road where the child once worked. The mother searches in vain until, spent from grief, she throws herself into the sea. Bearing witness to the suicide is another woman, there on a business trip; she will soon give birth to a stillborn baby. In the wake of her pain, the second woman remembers other losses-of a language, a country, an identity-when her family fled a distant war. In this powerful and moving novel, Balsam Karam offers a fresh approach to language and narrative as she questions our assumptions and perspectives. Her English-language debut, The Singularity is a compelling exploration of loss, history, and memory.