Discover the enchanting tale of resilience and friendship in the beautifully crafted novel featuring 'The Silver Donkey'. This captivating story revolves around a soldier, blinded by the ravages of war, who encounters two compassionate sisters, Coco and Marcelle, in the peaceful woods of France. As they offer their kindness, the soldier shares marvellous stories tied to a precious keepsake he carries—a perfect, tiny silver donkey. This heartwarming narrative intertwines themes of honesty, loyalty, and courage, making it a memorable read for both children and adults. Published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd in 2007, this B-format paperback consists of 208 pages that will whisk you away into a world of imagination and life lessons. Ideal for readers seeking children's literature that inspires, 'The Silver Donkey' encourages empathy and understanding through its charming tale. A wonderful addition to any home library or a thoughtful gift, this book is perfect for family reading sessions or individual exploration. Order your brand new copy today to uncover the magic of storytelling and the significance of the silver donkey, an emblem of hope and resilience throughout the narrative. Delivery is swift and reliable, ensuring your literary treasure arrives in pristine condition.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143301578
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2007
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 208
One bright spring morning in the woods of France, a soldier, blinded by the war, is found by a little girl named Coco, and her older sister Marcelle. In return for their kindness, the soldier tells the sisters marvellous tales, each story connected to the keepsake he carries in his pocket- a perfect, tiny silver donkey. As the days pass and they struggle in secret to help the soldier reach home, Coco and Marcelle learn the truth behind the silver donkey, and what the precious object means- honesty, loyalty, and courage. This is a joyful and enchanting novel for all ages.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143301578
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2007
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 208
One bright spring morning in the woods of France, a soldier, blinded by the war, is found by a little girl named Coco, and her older sister Marcelle. In return for their kindness, the soldier tells the sisters marvellous tales, each story connected to the keepsake he carries in his pocket- a perfect, tiny silver donkey. As the days pass and they struggle in secret to help the soldier reach home, Coco and Marcelle learn the truth behind the silver donkey, and what the precious object means- honesty, loyalty, and courage. This is a joyful and enchanting novel for all ages.