Discover the enchanting world of 'The Signal Line', a captivating novel that probes deep into familial bonds, dreams, and the essence of legacy. Following brothers Geo and Wes, this poignant narrative unfolds as they navigate the complexities of their relationship after the death of their parents. The brothers are at odds, particularly when it comes to selling their Hobart family home. Geo desperately seeks funds to fuel his musical aspirations in Italy, while Wes clings to the house as a cherished symbol of their father's values and hard work.
Amid their conflicting desires, an otherworldly element emerges—a ghost train haunting the tram tracks of Hobart, pursued by a mysterious Swedish man for four decades. As the story progresses, readers grapple with profound themes of love, acceptance, and the search for personal identity. This heartwarming tale reminds us that even amid shattered dreams, the journey towards understanding and connection remains powerful.
The Signal Line, winner of the prestigious Unpublished Manuscript Prize at the Tasmanian Premier’s Literary Awards, is not just a story; it's an experience. Ideal for readers who enjoy literary fiction that melds reality with a touch of magical realism, this novel will make you ponder the blurred lines between dreams and truth. Welcome to a world where every page invites you to explore the strangest corners of human experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925760941
Year: 2022
Publisher: Transit Lounge
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925760941
Year: 2022
Publisher: Transit Lounge
Winner of the Unpublished Manuscript Prize, Tasmanian Premier’s Literary Awards
Brothers Geo and Wes are testing their relationship now that their parents have passed away. Geo and Wes rarely agree on anything, especially not the sale of the Hobart family home. Geo needs the money to finance his musical career in Italy. For Wes the house represents the memory of their father, and what it means to live an honest, working life.
But then a ghost train appears in Hobart, often on the tram tracks that once existed, along with the Swedish man who has been pursuing it for 40 years.
Everyone it seems is chasing their dreams. Or are they running from the truth?
The Signal Line is a warm-hearted, unforgettable novel about what we are all searching for, even when our personal dreams and aspirations have collapsed: love and acceptance.
â€My favourite kind of book – one that lets you see the world differently. It relocates the line between reality and fantasy, letting through an exhilarating strangeness. I felt the unbelievable become entirely natural. I loved every minute of it.’ — Rohan Wilson, author of To Name Those Lost and Daughter of Bad Times
Amid their conflicting desires, an otherworldly element emerges—a ghost train haunting the tram tracks of Hobart, pursued by a mysterious Swedish man for four decades. As the story progresses, readers grapple with profound themes of love, acceptance, and the search for personal identity. This heartwarming tale reminds us that even amid shattered dreams, the journey towards understanding and connection remains powerful.
The Signal Line, winner of the prestigious Unpublished Manuscript Prize at the Tasmanian Premier’s Literary Awards, is not just a story; it's an experience. Ideal for readers who enjoy literary fiction that melds reality with a touch of magical realism, this novel will make you ponder the blurred lines between dreams and truth. Welcome to a world where every page invites you to explore the strangest corners of human experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925760941
Year: 2022
Publisher: Transit Lounge
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925760941
Year: 2022
Publisher: Transit Lounge
Winner of the Unpublished Manuscript Prize, Tasmanian Premier’s Literary Awards
Brothers Geo and Wes are testing their relationship now that their parents have passed away. Geo and Wes rarely agree on anything, especially not the sale of the Hobart family home. Geo needs the money to finance his musical career in Italy. For Wes the house represents the memory of their father, and what it means to live an honest, working life.
But then a ghost train appears in Hobart, often on the tram tracks that once existed, along with the Swedish man who has been pursuing it for 40 years.
Everyone it seems is chasing their dreams. Or are they running from the truth?
The Signal Line is a warm-hearted, unforgettable novel about what we are all searching for, even when our personal dreams and aspirations have collapsed: love and acceptance.
â€My favourite kind of book – one that lets you see the world differently. It relocates the line between reality and fantasy, letting through an exhilarating strangeness. I felt the unbelievable become entirely natural. I loved every minute of it.’ — Rohan Wilson, author of To Name Those Lost and Daughter of Bad Times