Unleash your inner warrior with 'The Seven Deadly Sins 35', the thrilling installment of the action-packed fantasy manga series that captivated audiences worldwide and inspired the hit Netflix Original Series. Delve into a world of magical battles, treachery, and adventure where Princess Elizabeth races against time to regroup the infamous Seven Deadly Sins, misunderstood heroes framed by the villainous king's guard, the Holy Knights. This riveting manga, ideal for readers aged 13 and up, features stunning illustrations across 192 pages, presenting a gripping tale of courage and rebellion. Experience the humorous yet intense journey as Elizabeth encounters the enigmatic Meliodas, an innkeeper harboring an extraordinary secret. Is his perceived weakness just a myth? Discover the truth behind his legendary reputation and join them on their quest to reclaim the kingdom! Perfect for manga collectors and enthusiasts looking for captivating stories, 'The Seven Deadly Sins 35' promises non-stop entertainment and excitement! Grab your copy now and experience the magic of this beloved series while supplies last. Condition: BRAND NEW. ISBN: 9781632368737. Year: 2019. Publisher: RANDOM HOUSE US.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781632368737
Year: 2019
Pages: 192
The swashbuckling fantasy action manga that inspired the Netflix Original Series anime!
Ongoing series. 13 and up.
When they were accused of trying to overthrow the monarchy, the feared warriors the Seven Deadly Sins were sent into exile. Princess Elizabeth discovers the truth - the Sins were framed by the king's guard, the Holy Knights - too late to prevent them from assassinating her father and seizing the throne! Now the princess is on the run, seeking the Sins to help her reclaim the kingdom. But the first Sin she meets, Meliodas, is a little innkeeper with a talking pig. He doesn't even have a real sword! Have the legends of the Sins' strength been exaggerated...?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781632368737
Year: 2019
Pages: 192
The swashbuckling fantasy action manga that inspired the Netflix Original Series anime!
Ongoing series. 13 and up.
When they were accused of trying to overthrow the monarchy, the feared warriors the Seven Deadly Sins were sent into exile. Princess Elizabeth discovers the truth - the Sins were framed by the king's guard, the Holy Knights - too late to prevent them from assassinating her father and seizing the throne! Now the princess is on the run, seeking the Sins to help her reclaim the kingdom. But the first Sin she meets, Meliodas, is a little innkeeper with a talking pig. He doesn't even have a real sword! Have the legends of the Sins' strength been exaggerated...?