Title: The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale (Wordsworth ...
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
Publication Date: 1993
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Hugh Epstein, Secretary of the Joseph Conrad Society of Great Britain.
'Then the vision of an enormous town presented itself, of a monstrous town...a cruel devourer of the world's light. There was room enough there to place any story, depth enough for any passion, variety enough there for any setting, darkness enough to bury five millions of lives.'
Title: The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale (Wordsworth ...
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
Publication Date: 1993
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Hugh Epstein, Secretary of the Joseph Conrad Society of Great Britain.
'Then the vision of an enormous town presented itself, of a monstrous town...a cruel devourer of the world's light. There was room enough there to place any story, depth enough for any passion, variety enough there for any setting, darkness enough to bury five millions of lives.'