Discover 'The Scarab Path: Shadows of the Apt 5', the fifth thrilling installment in Adrian Tchaikovsky's beloved epic fantasy series. This gripping novel unveils a world where ancient powers are awakening and the story plunges deep into the aftermath of a devastating war with the Wasp Empire. Cheerwell Maker, a war veteran, grapples with her haunting past, while the vicious Wasp Empress tightens her grip over rebellious cities using dark, sinister forces that extend beyond mere military might. The tension escalates as Thalric, the former spymaster and her consort, faces life-threatening dangers amid assassination attempts. Embrace the intricacy of character development and rich world-building that has captivated readers globally. This B-format paperback edition features 720 pages of captivating storytelling and is a must-have for fans of dark fantasy and elaborate lore. Don’t miss out on this chance to expand your fantasy collection with a BRAND NEW copy of 'The Scarab Path', published by Pan Macmillan UK in 2021. Order now and embark on an unforgettable journey that leads into the next chapter, 'The Sea Watch'. Plus, enjoy FREE shipping! Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529050349
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Pan Macmillan UK
Pages: 720
The Scarab Path is the fifth book in the critically acclaimed epic fantasy series Shadows of the Apt by Adrian Tchaikovsky.
Ancient powers are waking . . .
The war with the Wasp Empire has ended in a bitter stalemate, and Collegium has nothing to show for it but wounded veterans. Cheerwell Maker finds herself broken in ways no doctor can mend, haunted by ghosts of the past. Meanwhile, the powerful Wasp Empress is regaining control over those imperial cities that refused to bow to her. But she draws her power from something more sinister than armies and war machines.
Only her consort, the former spymaster Thalric, knows the truth. As assassins seek to end him, he finds his life and his loyalties under threat once again. And in an ancient city beyond the desert, a terrible secret stirs beneath its stones.
The Scarab Path is followed by the sixth book in the Shadows of the Apt series, The Sea Watch.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529050349
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Pan Macmillan UK
Pages: 720
The Scarab Path is the fifth book in the critically acclaimed epic fantasy series Shadows of the Apt by Adrian Tchaikovsky.
Ancient powers are waking . . .
The war with the Wasp Empire has ended in a bitter stalemate, and Collegium has nothing to show for it but wounded veterans. Cheerwell Maker finds herself broken in ways no doctor can mend, haunted by ghosts of the past. Meanwhile, the powerful Wasp Empress is regaining control over those imperial cities that refused to bow to her. But she draws her power from something more sinister than armies and war machines.
Only her consort, the former spymaster Thalric, knows the truth. As assassins seek to end him, he finds his life and his loyalties under threat once again. And in an ancient city beyond the desert, a terrible secret stirs beneath its stones.
The Scarab Path is followed by the sixth book in the Shadows of the Apt series, The Sea Watch.