Discover 'The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea', a seminal work by Yukio Mishima, part of the esteemed Vintage Classics Japanese Series. This compelling novel, published in a beautifully designed trade paperback, explores the tumultuous journey of youth against the backdrop of post-war Japan. In this gripping narrative, a group of thirteen-year-old boys, disillusioned with the adult world’s hypocrisy, strive to cultivate a brutal sense of 'objectivity'. Their harsh perspectives are put to the test when one boy's mother embarks on a romantic affair with a ship's officer, leading to profound disillusionment and shocking retribution. A powerful meditation on betrayal, innocence, and the loss of grace, this edition is a must-have for lovers of Japanese literature. Each copy is in brand new condition, featuring a stunning design that makes it an ideal gift for literature enthusiasts. With an ISBN of 9781784875428 and published by RANDOM HOUSE UK in 2019, this 144-page novel is a perfect addition to any bookshelf seeking depth and complexity in storytelling. Experience the brilliance of Mishima's writing and the exploration of harsh realities through this Vintage Japanese Classic. Perfect for book clubs and personal collections alike, this novel is a poignant reflection on the brutality and beauty of youth.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781784875428
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2019
Pages: 144
VINTAGE JAPANESE CLASSICS - following on from the success of Vintage Russian Classics and European Classics, these are covetable new editions of the best Japanese writers on the Vintage list
'Mishima's greatest novel, and one of the greatest of the past century' The Times
A band of savage thirteen-year-old boys reject the adult world as illusory, hypocritical, and sentimental, and train themselves in a brutal callousness they call 'objectivity'. When the mother of one of them begins an affair with a ship's officer, he and his friends idealise the man at first; but it is not long before they conclude that he is in fact soft and romantic.
They regard this disillusionment as an act of betrayal on his part - and the retribution is deliberate and horrifying.
VINTAGE JAPANESE CLASSICS - five masterpieces of Japanese fiction in gorgeous new gift editions.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781784875428
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2019
Pages: 144
VINTAGE JAPANESE CLASSICS - following on from the success of Vintage Russian Classics and European Classics, these are covetable new editions of the best Japanese writers on the Vintage list
'Mishima's greatest novel, and one of the greatest of the past century' The Times
A band of savage thirteen-year-old boys reject the adult world as illusory, hypocritical, and sentimental, and train themselves in a brutal callousness they call 'objectivity'. When the mother of one of them begins an affair with a ship's officer, he and his friends idealise the man at first; but it is not long before they conclude that he is in fact soft and romantic.
They regard this disillusionment as an act of betrayal on his part - and the retribution is deliberate and horrifying.
VINTAGE JAPANESE CLASSICS - five masterpieces of Japanese fiction in gorgeous new gift editions.