Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781620973431
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2018
Publisher: New Press, The
Chomsky is a rock star: Bono called him the "Elvis of academia." Recently featured by the NYT Education Life section (11/6/16), Chomsky is frequently in the news and has recently debunked critiques by the right-winger Tom Wolfe in The Kingdom of Speech (Little, Brown) and by the anthropologist Chris Knight in Decoding Chomsky (Yale). Chomsky has such a significant public profile that there is now Chomsky merch available, from mugs to T-shirts and luggage tags (!) to a ceramic garden gnome marketed as "Gnome Chomsky." He supported Bernie Sanders and predicted the rise of a candidate like Donald Trump long before Trump came on the scene. Now 87, Chomsky continues to speak publicly and to publish books and opinion pieces. Asked how he accounts for his amazing energy levels, he credits the "bicycle theory" that "as long as you keep riding you don’t fall." essay and to tie it to our own 25th anniversary in 2017. Chomsky is a best-selling author whose books have sold millions of copies.
ISBN: 9781620973431
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2018
Publisher: New Press, The
Chomsky is a rock star: Bono called him the "Elvis of academia." Recently featured by the NYT Education Life section (11/6/16), Chomsky is frequently in the news and has recently debunked critiques by the right-winger Tom Wolfe in The Kingdom of Speech (Little, Brown) and by the anthropologist Chris Knight in Decoding Chomsky (Yale). Chomsky has such a significant public profile that there is now Chomsky merch available, from mugs to T-shirts and luggage tags (!) to a ceramic garden gnome marketed as "Gnome Chomsky." He supported Bernie Sanders and predicted the rise of a candidate like Donald Trump long before Trump came on the scene. Now 87, Chomsky continues to speak publicly and to publish books and opinion pieces. Asked how he accounts for his amazing energy levels, he credits the "bicycle theory" that "as long as you keep riding you don’t fall." essay and to tie it to our own 25th anniversary in 2017. Chomsky is a best-selling author whose books have sold millions of copies.