Dive into the heartwarming world of The Quintessential Quintuplets Volume 6! This captivating installment of the beloved manga series, published by RANDOM HOUSE US, continues the charming tale of Futaro Uesugi and the five adorable Nakano sisters. With the ISBN 9781632368553, this brand new volume is filled with thrilling twists that keep readers on the edge of their seats.
In this high school romantic comedy, Futaro faces new challenges as he balances tutoring the quintuplets who are notoriously uninterested in studying. As Nino and Itsuki engage in a dramatic falling out and run away from home, Futaro must tackle the chaos that ensues. Meanwhile, Yotsuba prioritizes sports over her studies, adding another layer of complications in this delightful narrative.
Packed with 192 pages of laughter, friendship, and heartfelt moments, this book is perfect for manga enthusiasts and those seeking a fun read about love and learning. Will Futaro be able to unite the sisters and help them prepare for their finals, or will their rivalry keep them from success? This edition is a must-have for fans of romantic comedies and slice-of-life stories.
Perfect as a gift or a valuable addition to your collection, The Quintessential Quintuplets Volume 6 is not just a book; it's an experience. Don't miss your chance to enjoy this ongoing saga that blends humor with the realities of school life. Order now and join the adventure with Futaro and the quintuplets, where studying meets sisterly love and comedy! Delivery options are available to ensure you receive your copy swiftly and securely, perfect for any fan eager to turn the page on this exciting series!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781632368553
Year: 2019
Pages: 192
A high school romantic comedy with five times the cute girls! A high school boy must work part-time to help five sisters study so they can graduate, but the only thing these quintuplets have in common is that they all hate studying!
A high school romantic comedy with five times the cute girls! A high school boy must work part-time to help five sisters study so they can graduate, but the only thing these quintuplets have in common is that they all hate studying!
Futaro Uesugi is doing his best to tutor the quints and keep them from flunking, and things are finally going smoothly. But suddenly, Nino and Itsuki have a falling out, and both girls run away from home! Meanwhile, Yotsuba prioritizes subbing in as an extra for the track team instead of making sure her grades are on track! As if all that wasn't bad enough, the mysterious girl from Futaro's photo shows up... Will the sisters and Futaro ever have time to study for finals?!
In this high school romantic comedy, Futaro faces new challenges as he balances tutoring the quintuplets who are notoriously uninterested in studying. As Nino and Itsuki engage in a dramatic falling out and run away from home, Futaro must tackle the chaos that ensues. Meanwhile, Yotsuba prioritizes sports over her studies, adding another layer of complications in this delightful narrative.
Packed with 192 pages of laughter, friendship, and heartfelt moments, this book is perfect for manga enthusiasts and those seeking a fun read about love and learning. Will Futaro be able to unite the sisters and help them prepare for their finals, or will their rivalry keep them from success? This edition is a must-have for fans of romantic comedies and slice-of-life stories.
Perfect as a gift or a valuable addition to your collection, The Quintessential Quintuplets Volume 6 is not just a book; it's an experience. Don't miss your chance to enjoy this ongoing saga that blends humor with the realities of school life. Order now and join the adventure with Futaro and the quintuplets, where studying meets sisterly love and comedy! Delivery options are available to ensure you receive your copy swiftly and securely, perfect for any fan eager to turn the page on this exciting series!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781632368553
Year: 2019
Pages: 192
A high school romantic comedy with five times the cute girls! A high school boy must work part-time to help five sisters study so they can graduate, but the only thing these quintuplets have in common is that they all hate studying!
A high school romantic comedy with five times the cute girls! A high school boy must work part-time to help five sisters study so they can graduate, but the only thing these quintuplets have in common is that they all hate studying!
Futaro Uesugi is doing his best to tutor the quints and keep them from flunking, and things are finally going smoothly. But suddenly, Nino and Itsuki have a falling out, and both girls run away from home! Meanwhile, Yotsuba prioritizes subbing in as an extra for the track team instead of making sure her grades are on track! As if all that wasn't bad enough, the mysterious girl from Futaro's photo shows up... Will the sisters and Futaro ever have time to study for finals?!