Dive into the gripping tale of ambition and rivalry in 'The Potato Factory,' a captivating historical novel set in 19th century London and Tasmania. Follow Ikey Solomon, a notorious thief, and his determined mistress Mary Abacus, as they navigate betrayal and hardship after misfortune separates them. As they each embark on their dangerous journeys toward Van Diemen's Land, Mary discovers her passion for brewing and establishes her very own Potato Factory, a symbol of hope and resilience. However, her ambitions clash ominously with those of Ikey's wife, Hannah, leading to a fierce rivalry that threatens their families' futures. This B-format paperback edition, published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd, features 848 pages of a richly woven narrative exploring themes of love, betrayal, and survival. Perfect for fans of historical fiction, 'The Potato Factory' will keep you on the edge of your seat with its intricately crafted characters and vivid storytelling. Order now and experience a compelling saga that delves deep into the struggles of its protagonists against the backdrop of a harsh yet transformative time in history. Don't miss out on this enthralling read that is destined to be a favorite on your bookshelf. Fast shipping is available, ensuring you receive your copy promptly so you can delve into this exciting narrative without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143004561
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2006
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 848
Ikey Solomon is in the business of thieving and he's very good at it. Ikey's partner in crime is his mistress, the forthright Mary Abacus, until misfortune befalls them. They are parted and each must make the harsh journey from thriving nineteenth century London to the convict settlement of Van Diemen's Land. In the backstreets and dives of Hobart Town, Mary learns the art of brewing and builds The Potato Factory, where she plans a new future. But her ambitions are threatened by Ikey's wife, Hannah, her old enemy. The two women raise their separate families, one legitimate and the other bastard. As each woman sets out to destroy the other, the families are brought to the edge of disaster.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143004561
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2006
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 848
Ikey Solomon is in the business of thieving and he's very good at it. Ikey's partner in crime is his mistress, the forthright Mary Abacus, until misfortune befalls them. They are parted and each must make the harsh journey from thriving nineteenth century London to the convict settlement of Van Diemen's Land. In the backstreets and dives of Hobart Town, Mary learns the art of brewing and builds The Potato Factory, where she plans a new future. But her ambitions are threatened by Ikey's wife, Hannah, her old enemy. The two women raise their separate families, one legitimate and the other bastard. As each woman sets out to destroy the other, the families are brought to the edge of disaster.