Discover the enchanting story of 'The Pocket Chaotic,' a heartwarming children's book that captures the whimsical adventures of a young kangaroo named Alexander. Nestled in his mother Nancy's pouch, Alexander is comfortable yet frustrated by her tendency to fill it with an array of unexpected items. From bobby pins to a cookbook, the chaos of Nancy's pocket becomes too much for Alexander, leading him on a journey toward independence. This beautifully illustrated book not only delights young readers but also teaches valuable lessons about family connections and the significant changes that come with growing up. The tale echoes the warmth of maternal love while encouraging children to embrace freedom and personal space. With its vibrant illustrations and relatable storyline, 'The Pocket Chaotic' is perfect for storytime at home or in the classroom. Ideal for children ages 3-7, this charming book is a must-have addition to any child's library. Embrace the joy of reading and the adventure of self-discovery by adding 'The Pocket Chaotic' to your shopping cart today. It is published by Cicada Books Ltd and features 32 pages of delightful storytelling that will leave both children and parents smiling. Don’t miss out on this addition to your collection, available now with free shipping to your doorstep! Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781908714800
Year: 2020
Publisher: Cicada Books Ltd
Pages: 32
A young kangaroo called Alexander lives in his mum, Nancy's pocket. Alexander loves his mum, but there's one thing she does that really drives him nuts. She is always putting stuff in her pocket. Alexander tries to keep things neat, but the more he tidies, the more stuff she shoves in there. When he complains, his sister calls him a baby - it's time to leave the pouch anyway. But Alexander loves it in there - it's warm and cosy and smells of mum.
Then one day, it gets really bad. Twelve bobby pins, a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of water, a packet of chewing gum, two bus tickets, some keys, a toy car and a cookbook all find their way into Nancy's pouch. And that's just for starters. Finally Alexander's had enough. 'I can't take it any more!' he shouts. 'I'm moving out!' So Alexander moves into the room next to his sister's. They make it all cosy, with a furry blanket and shelves for all his stuff. So it's just like his mum's pouch. Almost. The penultimate spread is Alexander sleeping with all his stuff strewn around him. The final spread is Nancy clearing out her pocket with a wink. It was time for Alexander to go.
This is a heartwarming tale about a connection between a son and mother and a journey towards independence, beautifully brought to life.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled..
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781908714800
Year: 2020
Publisher: Cicada Books Ltd
Pages: 32
A young kangaroo called Alexander lives in his mum, Nancy's pocket. Alexander loves his mum, but there's one thing she does that really drives him nuts. She is always putting stuff in her pocket. Alexander tries to keep things neat, but the more he tidies, the more stuff she shoves in there. When he complains, his sister calls him a baby - it's time to leave the pouch anyway. But Alexander loves it in there - it's warm and cosy and smells of mum.
Then one day, it gets really bad. Twelve bobby pins, a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of water, a packet of chewing gum, two bus tickets, some keys, a toy car and a cookbook all find their way into Nancy's pouch. And that's just for starters. Finally Alexander's had enough. 'I can't take it any more!' he shouts. 'I'm moving out!' So Alexander moves into the room next to his sister's. They make it all cosy, with a furry blanket and shelves for all his stuff. So it's just like his mum's pouch. Almost. The penultimate spread is Alexander sleeping with all his stuff strewn around him. The final spread is Nancy clearing out her pocket with a wink. It was time for Alexander to go.
This is a heartwarming tale about a connection between a son and mother and a journey towards independence, beautifully brought to life.