Discover the enchanting tales woven within the literary heart of Edinburgh, the world’s first UNESCO City of Literature. This exquisite B-format paperback, published in 2022 by Birlinn, brings together a collection of captivating stories written by established and emerging authors who reflect on the rich tapestry of life in this historic city. From the iconic landmarks to the lesser-known gems, each narrative takes you on a journey through Edinburgh’s vibrant past, showcasing the unique relationship between its literary heritage and its people.
Remarkably, Edinburgh has inspired beloved fictional characters such as Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter, and continues to be a beacon of creativity and inspiration. The Writer's Museum, filled with quotes from revered authors, invites you to explore the literary ancestry of a city that has seen countless tales unfold.
Whether you’re a local or just an admirer of Edinburgh’s literary splendor, this book will transport you through time, allowing you to experience the evolution of this remarkable city through the eyes of its storytellers. Perfect for literature lovers, history enthusiasts, and anyone who cherishes the beauty of Edinburgh.
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781846976018
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Birlinn
The world’s first UNESCO city of literature, Edinburgh is steeped in literary history. It is the birthplace of a beloved cast of fictional characters from Sherlock Holmes to Harry Potter. It is the home of the Writer’s Museum, where quotes from writers of the past pave the steps leading up to it. A city whose beauty is matched only by the intrigue of its past, and where Robert Louis Stevenson said, â€there are no stars so lovely as Edinburgh’s street-lamps’. And to celebrate the city, its literature, and more importantly, its people, Polygon and the One City Trust have brought together writers — established and emerging — to write about the place they call home.
Based around landmarks or significant links to Edinburgh each story transports the reader to a different decade in the city’s recent past. Through these stories each author reflects on the changes, both generational and physical, in the city in which we live.
Remarkably, Edinburgh has inspired beloved fictional characters such as Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter, and continues to be a beacon of creativity and inspiration. The Writer's Museum, filled with quotes from revered authors, invites you to explore the literary ancestry of a city that has seen countless tales unfold.
Whether you’re a local or just an admirer of Edinburgh’s literary splendor, this book will transport you through time, allowing you to experience the evolution of this remarkable city through the eyes of its storytellers. Perfect for literature lovers, history enthusiasts, and anyone who cherishes the beauty of Edinburgh.
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781846976018
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Birlinn
The world’s first UNESCO city of literature, Edinburgh is steeped in literary history. It is the birthplace of a beloved cast of fictional characters from Sherlock Holmes to Harry Potter. It is the home of the Writer’s Museum, where quotes from writers of the past pave the steps leading up to it. A city whose beauty is matched only by the intrigue of its past, and where Robert Louis Stevenson said, â€there are no stars so lovely as Edinburgh’s street-lamps’. And to celebrate the city, its literature, and more importantly, its people, Polygon and the One City Trust have brought together writers — established and emerging — to write about the place they call home.
Based around landmarks or significant links to Edinburgh each story transports the reader to a different decade in the city’s recent past. Through these stories each author reflects on the changes, both generational and physical, in the city in which we live.