Discover the groundbreaking graphic novel, The Other History of the DC Universe, penned by Academy Award-winning writer John Ridley. This must-have book delves deep into the mythology of the DC Universe, offering a fresh perspective on iconic moments and characters. Ridley shines a light on superheroes from historically disenfranchised groups, exploring a rich sociopolitical narrative that has largely remained overlooked in traditional comics. This unique blend of prose and vibrant illustrations brings the story to life like never before.
This 224-page hardcover book published by Random House in 2022 is not just a graphic novel; it's a comprehensive exploration of identity, resilience, and the struggle for representation within the superhero genre. From the intricate plots to the stunning artwork, each page invites readers to reflect on their own perceptions of heroism.
Collecting issues #1-5, The Other History of the DC Universe showcases a diverse range of illustrators whose vibrant art complements Ridley’s powerful storytelling. If you think you know the history of the DC Universe, this novel will challenge your views and offer a profound narrative about the strength of being true to oneself.
Whether you are a dedicated comic book enthusiast, a DC Universe fan, or simply seeking a thought-provoking read, this graphic novel promises an experience that goes beyond just comics. Order your copy today and delve into a narrative that is as complex as the universe it portrays. Fast and reliable delivery options available for your convenience!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779511973
Year: 2022
Pages: 224
Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, Let It Fall) examines the mythology of the DC Universe in this compelling new graphic novel! Reframing iconic moments of DC history and charting a previously unexplored sociopolitical thread as seen through the prism of DC Super Heroes who come from historically disenfranchised groups, John Ridley goes where no other has gone before!
This unique new series presents its story as prose by Ridley married with beautifully realized color illustrations from a selection of exciting illustrators and comics artists.
Extensively researched and masterfully executed, THE OTHER HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE promises to be an experience unlike any other. You may think you know the history of the DC Universe...but the truth is far more complex. THE OTHER HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE isn't about saving the world--it's about having the strength to simply be who you are.
Collects The Other History of the DC Universe #1-5.
This 224-page hardcover book published by Random House in 2022 is not just a graphic novel; it's a comprehensive exploration of identity, resilience, and the struggle for representation within the superhero genre. From the intricate plots to the stunning artwork, each page invites readers to reflect on their own perceptions of heroism.
Collecting issues #1-5, The Other History of the DC Universe showcases a diverse range of illustrators whose vibrant art complements Ridley’s powerful storytelling. If you think you know the history of the DC Universe, this novel will challenge your views and offer a profound narrative about the strength of being true to oneself.
Whether you are a dedicated comic book enthusiast, a DC Universe fan, or simply seeking a thought-provoking read, this graphic novel promises an experience that goes beyond just comics. Order your copy today and delve into a narrative that is as complex as the universe it portrays. Fast and reliable delivery options available for your convenience!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779511973
Year: 2022
Pages: 224
Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, Let It Fall) examines the mythology of the DC Universe in this compelling new graphic novel! Reframing iconic moments of DC history and charting a previously unexplored sociopolitical thread as seen through the prism of DC Super Heroes who come from historically disenfranchised groups, John Ridley goes where no other has gone before!
This unique new series presents its story as prose by Ridley married with beautifully realized color illustrations from a selection of exciting illustrators and comics artists.
Extensively researched and masterfully executed, THE OTHER HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE promises to be an experience unlike any other. You may think you know the history of the DC Universe...but the truth is far more complex. THE OTHER HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE isn't about saving the world--it's about having the strength to simply be who you are.
Collects The Other History of the DC Universe #1-5.