Discover the captivating world of 'The Oleander Sword,' a mesmerizing fantasy novel crafted by Tasha Suri, who brings a rich tapestry of South Asian culture and mythology to life. This brand new B-format paperback, published in 2022 by Little Brown, spans 512 pages and is a compelling addition to your bookshelf. Suri, renowned for her award-winning writing, invites readers into a narrative filled with intricate magic, complex characters, and breathtaking landscapes that echo the beauty of India. Immerse yourself in a story that draws on Suri's own heritage and her love for Bollywood films, where history meets fantasy in an unforgettable adventure. Whether you're a fan of high fantasy or seeking new voices in literature, 'The Oleander Sword' will satisfy your literary cravings. Enjoy free shipping on your purchase, with delivery taking up to 6 weeks. Please note, once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Ideal for fans of immersive storytelling and those looking to explore unique cultural narratives, this novel will be a treasured addition to any library. Don’t miss out on the chance to explore Tasha Suri's brilliant imagination and vibrant world.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780356515656
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Little Brown
Pages: 512
Tasha Suri was born in Harrow, north-west London. The daughter of Punjabi parents, she spent many childhood holidays exploring India with her family, and still fondly remembers the time she was chased around the Taj Mahal by an irate tour guide. She studied English and creative writing at Warwick University, and now lives in London where she works as a librarian. To no one's surprise, she owns a cat. A love of period Bollywood films, history and mythology led her to begin writing South Asian influenced fantasy. Tasha Suri has won the British Fantasy Society Best Newcomer Award and Starburst Brave New Words Award. Her debut, Empire of Sand, has been optioned for TV.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780356515656
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Little Brown
Pages: 512
Tasha Suri was born in Harrow, north-west London. The daughter of Punjabi parents, she spent many childhood holidays exploring India with her family, and still fondly remembers the time she was chased around the Taj Mahal by an irate tour guide. She studied English and creative writing at Warwick University, and now lives in London where she works as a librarian. To no one's surprise, she owns a cat. A love of period Bollywood films, history and mythology led her to begin writing South Asian influenced fantasy. Tasha Suri has won the British Fantasy Society Best Newcomer Award and Starburst Brave New Words Award. Her debut, Empire of Sand, has been optioned for TV.