Discover the enchanting story of 'The Night The Moon Went Missing,' a beautifully illustrated picture book that takes young readers on an imaginative journey alongside a curious little girl named Lucy. In this captivating children's book, Lucy embarks on an adventure to find the missing Moon, who feels unappreciated as Sun gets all the attention. This engaging story not only entertains but also gently educates children about the significance of the Moon in our lives and encourages them to recognize their own value. Perfect for bedtime reading, 'The Night The Moon Went Missing' features stunning illustrations and a heartwarming narrative that inspires young minds. This book is ideal for parents looking to instill a love for reading in their children while teaching important life lessons about worth and connection. 'The Night The Moon Went Missing' is a must-have addition to every child's bookshelf and makes a wonderful gift for birthdays or special occasions. Delivery information: Books are shipped in protective packaging to ensure they arrive in pristine condition.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241488089
Format: Picture book
Year: 2021
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley
Pages: 32
A beautifully illustrated picture book that follows a little girl on her search to find the missing Moon
Meet Moon and a little girl, Lucy, in this illustrated storybook that teaches young children about the importance of the Moon and how valuable each of us really is.
Space can be lonely, so Moon likes to watch people down on Earth. There's just one problem- when Sun is out, everybody on Earth is happy to see him, but when Moon is out, everyone goes to sleep. This makes Moon upset. What Moon doesn't know is that little Lucy loves to look up at Moon, and one clear night she sees that Moon has disappeared. Can Lucy find Moon and will Moon learn just how much everybody actually loves her?
With colourful illustrations and an engaging storyline, this book will inspire and captivate young readers with its timely and ultimately uplifting message about how valuable everyone is and how much we mean to the people around us. It also teaches children about why the Moon is so important to our lives. A perfect bedtime story and addition to every child's bookshelf.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241488089
Format: Picture book
Year: 2021
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley
Pages: 32
A beautifully illustrated picture book that follows a little girl on her search to find the missing Moon
Meet Moon and a little girl, Lucy, in this illustrated storybook that teaches young children about the importance of the Moon and how valuable each of us really is.
Space can be lonely, so Moon likes to watch people down on Earth. There's just one problem- when Sun is out, everybody on Earth is happy to see him, but when Moon is out, everyone goes to sleep. This makes Moon upset. What Moon doesn't know is that little Lucy loves to look up at Moon, and one clear night she sees that Moon has disappeared. Can Lucy find Moon and will Moon learn just how much everybody actually loves her?
With colourful illustrations and an engaging storyline, this book will inspire and captivate young readers with its timely and ultimately uplifting message about how valuable everyone is and how much we mean to the people around us. It also teaches children about why the Moon is so important to our lives. A perfect bedtime story and addition to every child's bookshelf.