Discover the gripping tale of **The Night of the Hunter**, a masterful blend of classic American noir and psychological suspense. This rediscovered novel, published by **Penguin UK** in 2023, immerses readers in a chilling story set against the backdrop of a Depression-era river town. With its **B-format paperback** edition, the book traces the terrifying journey of two children pursued by the merciless figure known as Preacher. This unforgettable antagonist embodies the darkest elements of human nature, making it a must-read for fans of **historical fiction** and **thriller novels**. Dive deep into the disturbing questions of innocence versus evil as the narrative unfolds, revealing how adults fall prey to manipulation while the children remain at risk. This compelling work not only entertains but also offers a profound commentary on human frailty. With an ISBN of **9780241640425**, grab your copy of the **classic noir novel** today and experience the harrowing chase that defines this American literary treasure. Perfect for readers seeking stories laced with suspense, mystery, and the fight for survival, **The Night of the Hunter** is a book that resonates beyond its pages.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241640425
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2023
Publisher: Penguin UK
A rediscovered diabolical slice of great American noir
'What kind of a man would have his fingers tattooed that way? ... What kind of a man? What kind of a preacher?'
One of the great chase novels, The Night of the Hunter centres on the ferocious, unforgettable figure of Preacher, a psychopath who relentlessly pursues two children who may or may not know the secret of where the money from a bank raid is hidden.
Set in a brilliantly rendered Depression-era American river town, Grubb's novel is both a study of innocence and evil and a savage picture of human failings as, one by one, the adults who have it in their power to protect the children fall for Preacher's wiles.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241640425
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2023
Publisher: Penguin UK
A rediscovered diabolical slice of great American noir
'What kind of a man would have his fingers tattooed that way? ... What kind of a man? What kind of a preacher?'
One of the great chase novels, The Night of the Hunter centres on the ferocious, unforgettable figure of Preacher, a psychopath who relentlessly pursues two children who may or may not know the secret of where the money from a bank raid is hidden.
Set in a brilliantly rendered Depression-era American river town, Grubb's novel is both a study of innocence and evil and a savage picture of human failings as, one by one, the adults who have it in their power to protect the children fall for Preacher's wiles.