Discover "The Night Diary," a poignant and heartfelt tale set during the tumultuous times of India's partition in 1947. This powerful novel tells the story of twelve-year-old Nisha, a girl caught between her dual heritage as both half-Muslim and half-Hindu. As tensions rise and her home is ripped apart, Nisha embarks on a perilous journey of survival and self-discovery. This trade paperback, published by Penguin Group USA, captures the essence of identity, belonging, and hope in a divided world. With 288 pages of gripping narrative and emotional depth, "The Night Diary" resonates with readers of all ages, making it a perfect addition to your reading list. Ideal for those who enjoyed other powerful works like "Inside Out and Back Again" and "The War That Saved My Life," this book illuminates the resilience of the human spirit in times of crisis. Experience Nisha's heartfelt letters to her mother as she navigates through loss, danger, and the quest for a new home. This compelling story not only depicts the harsh realities of being a refugee but also emphasizes the importance of hope and the quest for personal identity amidst chaos. A must-read for fans of historical fiction and children's literature, "The Night Diary" is sure to leave a lasting impact. Don't miss the chance to own this transformative story—order your copy today and embark on an unforgettable journey in the pages of Nisha's diary. Delivery information: Expect prompt shipping with every order, ensuring that your reading adventure begins as quickly as possible.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780735228528
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 288
In the vein of Inside Out and Back Again and The War That Saved My Life comes a poignant, personal, and hopeful tale of India's partition, and of one girl's journey to find a new home in a divided country.
It's 1947, and India, newly independent of British rule, has been separated into two countries- Pakistan and India. The divide has created much tension between Hindus and Muslims, and hundreds of thousands are killed crossing borders. Half-Muslim, half-Hindu twelve-year-old Nisha doesn't know where she belongs, or what her country is anymore. When Papa decides it's too dangerous to stay in what is now Pakistan, Nisha and her family become refugees and embark first by train but later on foot to reach her new home. The journey is long, difficult, and dangerous, and after losing her mother as a baby, Nisha can't imagine losing her homeland, too. But even if her country has been ripped apart, Nisha still believes in the possibility of putting herself back together. Told through Nisha's letters to her mother, The Night Diary is a heartfelt story of one girl's search for home, for her own identity . . . and for a hopeful future.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780735228528
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 288
In the vein of Inside Out and Back Again and The War That Saved My Life comes a poignant, personal, and hopeful tale of India's partition, and of one girl's journey to find a new home in a divided country.
It's 1947, and India, newly independent of British rule, has been separated into two countries- Pakistan and India. The divide has created much tension between Hindus and Muslims, and hundreds of thousands are killed crossing borders. Half-Muslim, half-Hindu twelve-year-old Nisha doesn't know where she belongs, or what her country is anymore. When Papa decides it's too dangerous to stay in what is now Pakistan, Nisha and her family become refugees and embark first by train but later on foot to reach her new home. The journey is long, difficult, and dangerous, and after losing her mother as a baby, Nisha can't imagine losing her homeland, too. But even if her country has been ripped apart, Nisha still believes in the possibility of putting herself back together. Told through Nisha's letters to her mother, The Night Diary is a heartfelt story of one girl's search for home, for her own identity . . . and for a hopeful future.