Discover 'The Most Precious of Cargoes', a captivating tale of resilience, love, and humanity amidst the darkness of the Holocaust. This breathtaking narrative chronicles the bond formed between a poor woodcutter's wife and a baby girl, a precious cargo found amidst the chaos of war. With its enchanting fairy-tale-like lyricism, this brand-new B-format paperback published by Pan Macmillan UK in 2022 features 112 pages filled with profound insights into family, redemption, and the spirit of survival. Designed for readers of all ages, this book evokes deep emotions, reminding us of the strength of the human heart. Delve into this unique story translated from French by Frank Wynne, ideal for anyone seeking thought-provoking literature. The ISBN for this stunning read is 9781529019582. Note that shipping for this item is free, and you can expect delivery in up to 6 weeks. Once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529019582
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Pan Macmillan UK
Pages: 112
'A magnificent small book to read urgently' Libération
Once upon a time in an enormous forest there lived a poor woodcutter and his wife. Around them a war wages, and hunger is a constant companion. Yet every night, the woodcutter's wife prays for a child.
On a train crossing the forest, a Jewish father holds his twin children. His wife no longer has enough milk to feed them. In hopes of saving both their lives, he wraps his daughter in a shawl and gently throws her from the train.
While foraging for food, the woodcutter’s wife finds a bundle, a baby girl wrapped in a shawl. She knows that this little girl will be pursued, but she cannot ignore this gift: she will accept the precious cargo, and raise her as her own. . .
Set against the horrors of the Holocaust and told with a fairytale-like lyricism, The Most Precious of Cargoes, translated from French by Frank Wynne, is a deeply moving fable about family and redemption, a story that reminds us that humanity can be found in the most inhumane of places.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529019582
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Pan Macmillan UK
Pages: 112
'A magnificent small book to read urgently' Libération
Once upon a time in an enormous forest there lived a poor woodcutter and his wife. Around them a war wages, and hunger is a constant companion. Yet every night, the woodcutter's wife prays for a child.
On a train crossing the forest, a Jewish father holds his twin children. His wife no longer has enough milk to feed them. In hopes of saving both their lives, he wraps his daughter in a shawl and gently throws her from the train.
While foraging for food, the woodcutter’s wife finds a bundle, a baby girl wrapped in a shawl. She knows that this little girl will be pursued, but she cannot ignore this gift: she will accept the precious cargo, and raise her as her own. . .
Set against the horrors of the Holocaust and told with a fairytale-like lyricism, The Most Precious of Cargoes, translated from French by Frank Wynne, is a deeply moving fable about family and redemption, a story that reminds us that humanity can be found in the most inhumane of places.