Discover the riveting conclusion to the acclaimed Hidden Iceland series with 'The Mist.' Set in an isolated farmhouse in east Iceland in 1987, this gripping novel unfolds during a terrifying snowstorm that unexpectedly traps a couple and their uninvited guest. With a raw intensity that keeps you on the edge of your seat, the story follows the eerie events of a night filled with deception and danger. As secrets unravel in the blizzard, readers will be drawn into a dark mystery where not everyone is who they seem, and survival hangs by a thread. Detective Hulda Hermannsdóttir returns to face her demons and confront the harrowing choices that will haunt her forever. Filled with suspense and expertly woven twists, 'The Mist' is perfect for fans of Nordic noir and psychological thrillers. Make sure to add this bestselling paperback to your collection today and experience the chilling atmosphere and intricate storytelling that Penguin UK is known for. With 352 pages, this brand-new edition is a must-have for readers who crave thrilling tales of suspense and intrigue. Don't miss out—order now and embark on a suspenseful journey into the heart of darkness, where every decision could lead to life or death. Delivery is available worldwide, ensuring that you receive your copy straight to your door, ready to dive into the chilling world crafted by the masterful author in this captivating conclusion to the series.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781405934886
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 352
The final nail-biting instalment in the critically acclaimed Hidden Iceland series
1987. An isolated farm house in the east of Iceland.
The snowstorm should have shut everybody out. But it didn't.
The couple should never have let him in. But they did.
An unexpected guest, a liar, a killer. Not all will survive the night. And Detective Hulda Hermannsd ttir will be haunted forever.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781405934886
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 352
The final nail-biting instalment in the critically acclaimed Hidden Iceland series
1987. An isolated farm house in the east of Iceland.
The snowstorm should have shut everybody out. But it didn't.
The couple should never have let him in. But they did.
An unexpected guest, a liar, a killer. Not all will survive the night. And Detective Hulda Hermannsd ttir will be haunted forever.