Discover the enchanting debut novel, 'The Mint Lawn' by Gillian Mears, an award-winning literary masterpiece that explores the complexities of memory, identity, and love. Set in the picturesque North Coast of New South Wales, this beautifully crafted narrative follows the life of Clementine, a twenty-five-year-old woman tethered to her small-town roots. As she navigates her past, laden with the memories of her mother and the expectations surrounding her, Clementine embarks on a poignant journey to self-discovery. The captivating storytelling and nuanced character development invite readers to ponder the delicate threads of loyalty, comfort, and passion that bind us to our loved ones.
'Gillian Mears writes like an angel,' praises The Age, and with 420 pages of evocative prose, 'The Mint Lawn' seamlessly weaves together literary finesse and emotional depth. This novel garnered the prestigious Australian/Vogel's Literary Award in 1990, solidifying Mears' position as a significant voice in Australian literature.
Whether you’re captivated by rich narratives or seeking to explore themes of family and personal growth, 'The Mint Lawn' promises an unforgettable reading experience that resonates long after the last page is turned. Perfect for book clubs or personal collections, this title is a must-have for lovers of contemporary fiction.
Order now to immerse yourself in this beautifully balanced tale of life’s complexities. Enjoy fast and reliable delivery to your door.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742379333
Year: 2011
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 420
Winner of the Australian/Vogel's Literary Award 1990
North Coast, New South Wales. Clementine is twenty-five and still living in the place where she grew up, rooted there by memories and her own inability to make changes until she has understood her past. The past is dominated by memories of her mother, and her mother, and her mother's attempts to dramatise and enrich small-town life and the perceptions of her three clever, receptive daughters.
But only Clementine has stayed. Is this out of loyalty to her mother's memory? Or to comfort her father? Perhaps she wants to find peace with Hugh, her earnest husband in whose house she most uncomfortably lives? Or is the lure Thomas, who alone can appreciate Clementine's own sensuality, and her humour, but who must remain another of her secrets.
In The Mint Lawn, Gillian Mears has written a wonderful debut novel which will be read with pleasure and remembered with joy.
'Gillian Mears writes like an angel.' - Kate Veitch, The Age
'. powerful and beautifully balanced.' - Katharine England, Adelaide Advertiser
'Gillian Mears writes like an angel,' praises The Age, and with 420 pages of evocative prose, 'The Mint Lawn' seamlessly weaves together literary finesse and emotional depth. This novel garnered the prestigious Australian/Vogel's Literary Award in 1990, solidifying Mears' position as a significant voice in Australian literature.
Whether you’re captivated by rich narratives or seeking to explore themes of family and personal growth, 'The Mint Lawn' promises an unforgettable reading experience that resonates long after the last page is turned. Perfect for book clubs or personal collections, this title is a must-have for lovers of contemporary fiction.
Order now to immerse yourself in this beautifully balanced tale of life’s complexities. Enjoy fast and reliable delivery to your door.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742379333
Year: 2011
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 420
Winner of the Australian/Vogel's Literary Award 1990
North Coast, New South Wales. Clementine is twenty-five and still living in the place where she grew up, rooted there by memories and her own inability to make changes until she has understood her past. The past is dominated by memories of her mother, and her mother, and her mother's attempts to dramatise and enrich small-town life and the perceptions of her three clever, receptive daughters.
But only Clementine has stayed. Is this out of loyalty to her mother's memory? Or to comfort her father? Perhaps she wants to find peace with Hugh, her earnest husband in whose house she most uncomfortably lives? Or is the lure Thomas, who alone can appreciate Clementine's own sensuality, and her humour, but who must remain another of her secrets.
In The Mint Lawn, Gillian Mears has written a wonderful debut novel which will be read with pleasure and remembered with joy.
'Gillian Mears writes like an angel.' - Kate Veitch, The Age
'. powerful and beautifully balanced.' - Katharine England, Adelaide Advertiser