Discover the enchanting world of 'The Midnight Children: The Moonlight World' with this captivating tale designed for young readers aged 8-13. This dark fantasy novel, published by Penguin India in 2021, invites children to explore themes of bravery, friendship, and magic, all woven together with elements of Asian mythology and Gothic storytelling. In this thrilling adventure, ten-year-old Min and twelve-year-old Zak face unimaginable challenges when Min is held captive by Uncle Obb, the newly crowned king of the oily creatures. Meanwhile, Zak’s courage leads him to a ghostly girl at the hospital, sparking a journey that could save his beloved mother from a coma.
As the epic battle unfolds across the desert, the Rising — an army of brave children — rises to challenge Uncle Obb and his formidable forces. With gripping twists and rich character development, 'The Midnight Children: The Moonlight World' is a perfect selection for anyone searching for exciting fantasy novels for kids, blending action, adventure, and rich, imaginative storytelling. Will Min and Zak be able to harness their inherent magic to overcome the odds and rescue their loved ones? Find out in this stunning new release.
This trade paperback edition, boasting 136 pages of riveting content and beautifully crafted illustrations, is a must-have for all young readers intrigued by dark fantasy and mythical stories. Order now to join Min and Zak on their magical journey!
**Delivery Information:** This brand new book will be delivered promptly to your doorstep with a standard delivery service, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9789814914239
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin India
Pages: 136
What do you do when strange things happen around you?
The Midnight Children trilogy is a series of dark fantasy novels for children age 8-13 combining Asian mythology and Gothic elements.
The characters, ten-year-old Min and twelve-year-old Zak are the main protagonists. In The Midnight Children- The Moonlight Lands, Zak by helping a ghostly girl at the hospital brings his mother out of a coma. In the meantime, Min is now Uncle Obb's prisoner in the Moonlight Lands. He has also become king of the oily creatures and wants to eat her, Zak and her father because of their inherent magic. King Obb leads his army across the desert to attack the Rising, an army of mostly children who are rebelling against the oily creatures.
The Rising's man-horses raid King Obb's camp and Min is rescued. Meanwhile, King Obb sends Ragdoo, his Lord Chancellor, to kidnap Zak. Ragdoo betrays King Obb by taking Zak to the Moonlight Lands to defeat King Obb. King Obb's army of oily creatures attack the Rising who are hopelessly outnumbered. Just as Min and her father are about to be beheaded, Zak appears and, using their combined magic, they turn the tide of the bloody battle.
As the epic battle unfolds across the desert, the Rising — an army of brave children — rises to challenge Uncle Obb and his formidable forces. With gripping twists and rich character development, 'The Midnight Children: The Moonlight World' is a perfect selection for anyone searching for exciting fantasy novels for kids, blending action, adventure, and rich, imaginative storytelling. Will Min and Zak be able to harness their inherent magic to overcome the odds and rescue their loved ones? Find out in this stunning new release.
This trade paperback edition, boasting 136 pages of riveting content and beautifully crafted illustrations, is a must-have for all young readers intrigued by dark fantasy and mythical stories. Order now to join Min and Zak on their magical journey!
**Delivery Information:** This brand new book will be delivered promptly to your doorstep with a standard delivery service, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9789814914239
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin India
Pages: 136
What do you do when strange things happen around you?
The Midnight Children trilogy is a series of dark fantasy novels for children age 8-13 combining Asian mythology and Gothic elements.
The characters, ten-year-old Min and twelve-year-old Zak are the main protagonists. In The Midnight Children- The Moonlight Lands, Zak by helping a ghostly girl at the hospital brings his mother out of a coma. In the meantime, Min is now Uncle Obb's prisoner in the Moonlight Lands. He has also become king of the oily creatures and wants to eat her, Zak and her father because of their inherent magic. King Obb leads his army across the desert to attack the Rising, an army of mostly children who are rebelling against the oily creatures.
The Rising's man-horses raid King Obb's camp and Min is rescued. Meanwhile, King Obb sends Ragdoo, his Lord Chancellor, to kidnap Zak. Ragdoo betrays King Obb by taking Zak to the Moonlight Lands to defeat King Obb. King Obb's army of oily creatures attack the Rising who are hopelessly outnumbered. Just as Min and her father are about to be beheaded, Zak appears and, using their combined magic, they turn the tide of the bloody battle.