Discover the magical and eerie world of 'The Midnight Children: A Vanishing,' the captivating first book in the 'Midnight Children' trilogy. Targeting young readers aged 8 to 13, this dark fantasy novel blends Asian mythology with Gothic storytelling to create an unforgettable adventure. Join the young protagonists, ten-year-old Min and twelve-year-old Zak, as they navigate strange occurrences that begin with their father's mysterious disappearance during breakfast. This thrilling children's book is a perfect blend of mystery, adventure, and supernatural elements.
As Min encounters bizarre creatures with spider-like legs and a mischievous doll that runs and talks, and Zak faces off against a ghostly old lady who's oddly fond of matcha ice cream, readers will be drawn into their quest to uncover the truth. Together, they are transported to the Moonlight Lands, an otherworldly realm filled with perilous encounters with oily creatures yearning to capture them. The plot thickens in this enchanting narrative, and the end will leave readers yearning for more.
This trade paperback edition of 'The Midnight Children: A Vanishing' by Penguin India features 128 pages of gripping storytelling. Perfect for young readers who enjoy fantasy and adventure stories that challenge their imagination and critical thinking. With its vivid imagination and rich cultural mythology, this book is a must-read!
**Delivery Information:**
Expect fast and reliable shipping within New Zealand. Our products are shipped brand new and packaged to ensure they arrive in perfect condition.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9789814914215
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin India
Pages: 128
What do you do when strange things happen around you?
The Midnight Children trilogy is a series of dark fantasy novels for children age 8-13 combining Asian mythology and Gothic elements.
The characters, ten-year-old Min and twelve-year-old Zak are the main protagonists. In The Midnight Children- A Vanishing, Zak and Min's father mysteriously disappears at breakfast and curious things then begin to happen to them. Min encounters two small creatures with spider-like legs, a doll that runs, talks and steals and Shaz, the shaman, who gives her a box with a finger bone inside. Zak is chased by a strange man on all fours in the shopping mall, flees from snakes that interrupt his homework and is visited by a ghostly old lady in his bedroom who happens to love matcha ice cream.
Trying to find their father, they are transported to an eerie world called the Moonlight Lands where oily creatures want to kidnap and eat them. The novel concludes with Zak vanishing one night during dinner.
As Min encounters bizarre creatures with spider-like legs and a mischievous doll that runs and talks, and Zak faces off against a ghostly old lady who's oddly fond of matcha ice cream, readers will be drawn into their quest to uncover the truth. Together, they are transported to the Moonlight Lands, an otherworldly realm filled with perilous encounters with oily creatures yearning to capture them. The plot thickens in this enchanting narrative, and the end will leave readers yearning for more.
This trade paperback edition of 'The Midnight Children: A Vanishing' by Penguin India features 128 pages of gripping storytelling. Perfect for young readers who enjoy fantasy and adventure stories that challenge their imagination and critical thinking. With its vivid imagination and rich cultural mythology, this book is a must-read!
**Delivery Information:**
Expect fast and reliable shipping within New Zealand. Our products are shipped brand new and packaged to ensure they arrive in perfect condition.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9789814914215
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin India
Pages: 128
What do you do when strange things happen around you?
The Midnight Children trilogy is a series of dark fantasy novels for children age 8-13 combining Asian mythology and Gothic elements.
The characters, ten-year-old Min and twelve-year-old Zak are the main protagonists. In The Midnight Children- A Vanishing, Zak and Min's father mysteriously disappears at breakfast and curious things then begin to happen to them. Min encounters two small creatures with spider-like legs, a doll that runs, talks and steals and Shaz, the shaman, who gives her a box with a finger bone inside. Zak is chased by a strange man on all fours in the shopping mall, flees from snakes that interrupt his homework and is visited by a ghostly old lady in his bedroom who happens to love matcha ice cream.
Trying to find their father, they are transported to an eerie world called the Moonlight Lands where oily creatures want to kidnap and eat them. The novel concludes with Zak vanishing one night during dinner.