Discover the enchanting world of 'The Magic Rings (Rescue Princesses)', where adventure awaits with every turn of the page! This captivating storybook, published by Nosy Crow in 2018, invites young readers to join Lottie and her friends as they embark on a thrilling quest to rescue a beautiful foal that has mysteriously vanished from the palace stables. With 128 pages of delightful illustrations and engaging narrative, this book is perfect for children who love stories filled with magic, bravery, and teamwork.
As the heroes of their own adventure, the Rescue Princesses must face their fears and uncover secrets while employing their clever ninja moves. Will they gather the courage they need to complete their mission? This heartwarming tale emphasizes the importance of friendship, bravery, and believing in oneself, making it a wonderful addition to any child's library.
Ideal for young readers aged 7-10 or as a bedtime story, 'The Magic Rings (Rescue Princesses)' not only entertains but also inspires creativity and problem-solving skills. Add this delightful book to your collection today and let your child immerse themselves in a world where princesses can be brave and adventures unfold with every page.
Delivery Information: We ensure a seamless shopping experience with reliable delivery. Your order will be dispatched promptly, allowing you to receive 'The Magic Rings (Rescue Princesses)' right to your door. Shop now and encourage your young adventurer's passion for reading!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780857631572
Year: 2018
Publisher: Nosy Crow
Pages: 128
A beautiful foal has mysteriously disappeared from the palace stables. The girls have a plan of action, but Lottie is worried. What if they're not brave enough? Or can't keep a secret? After all, it takes more than a few ninja moves to make a proper Rescue Princess.
As the heroes of their own adventure, the Rescue Princesses must face their fears and uncover secrets while employing their clever ninja moves. Will they gather the courage they need to complete their mission? This heartwarming tale emphasizes the importance of friendship, bravery, and believing in oneself, making it a wonderful addition to any child's library.
Ideal for young readers aged 7-10 or as a bedtime story, 'The Magic Rings (Rescue Princesses)' not only entertains but also inspires creativity and problem-solving skills. Add this delightful book to your collection today and let your child immerse themselves in a world where princesses can be brave and adventures unfold with every page.
Delivery Information: We ensure a seamless shopping experience with reliable delivery. Your order will be dispatched promptly, allowing you to receive 'The Magic Rings (Rescue Princesses)' right to your door. Shop now and encourage your young adventurer's passion for reading!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780857631572
Year: 2018
Publisher: Nosy Crow
Pages: 128
A beautiful foal has mysteriously disappeared from the palace stables. The girls have a plan of action, but Lottie is worried. What if they're not brave enough? Or can't keep a secret? After all, it takes more than a few ninja moves to make a proper Rescue Princess.