Discover the captivating graphic novel, "The Low, Low Woods" from acclaimed author Carmen Maria Machado. This compelling story, published by Random House in 2020, delves into themes of memory, friendship, and the haunting mysteries that dwell within the town of Shudder-to-Think, Pennsylvania. With 160 beautifully illustrated pages, this paper-over-board edition is a must-have for fans of horror comics and graphic novels.
Join El and Vee, two best friends navigating a chilling landscape where a sinister illness erases memories, leaving inhabitants in a state of confusion and despair. When they awaken in a movie theater with no recollection of the past, they embark on a gripping quest to uncover the hidden truths behind their forgotten lives. As secrets unravel, El and Vee are thrust into a surreal nightmare, where the monstrous shadows of their town threaten not only their memories but their very existence.
This powerful narrative weaves together elements of psychological horror and poignant storytelling, offering readers a unique perspective on what it means to remember and forget. Ideal for collectors and fans of the horror genre, "The Low, Low Woods" has been lauded for its enchanting artwork and evocative prose.
Don’t miss out on this enthralling addition to your graphic novel collection. Purchase your copy today and immerse yourself in a story that resonates long after the last page. Grab your chance to experience the haunting charm of El and Vee’s adventure! Delivery information: All orders are processed for swift shipment, ensuring your graphic novel reaches you swiftly and securely.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779504524
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2020
Pages: 160
From New York Times bestselling author Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body And Other Parties, In The Dream House) comes a story so horrifying you won't dare to forget!
When your memories are stolen, what would you give to remember? Follow El and Vee as they search for answers to the questions everyone else forgot.
Shudder-to-Think, Pennsylvania, is plagued by a mysterious illness that eats away at the memories of those affected by it. El and Octavia are two best friends who find themselves the newest victims of this disease after waking up in a movie theater with no memory of the past few hours.
As El and Vee dive deeper into the mystery behind their lost memories, they realize the stories of their town hold more dark truth than they could've imagined. It's up to El and Vee to keep their town from falling keep the world safe from Shudder-to-Think's monsters.
Collects issues # 1-6.
Join El and Vee, two best friends navigating a chilling landscape where a sinister illness erases memories, leaving inhabitants in a state of confusion and despair. When they awaken in a movie theater with no recollection of the past, they embark on a gripping quest to uncover the hidden truths behind their forgotten lives. As secrets unravel, El and Vee are thrust into a surreal nightmare, where the monstrous shadows of their town threaten not only their memories but their very existence.
This powerful narrative weaves together elements of psychological horror and poignant storytelling, offering readers a unique perspective on what it means to remember and forget. Ideal for collectors and fans of the horror genre, "The Low, Low Woods" has been lauded for its enchanting artwork and evocative prose.
Don’t miss out on this enthralling addition to your graphic novel collection. Purchase your copy today and immerse yourself in a story that resonates long after the last page. Grab your chance to experience the haunting charm of El and Vee’s adventure! Delivery information: All orders are processed for swift shipment, ensuring your graphic novel reaches you swiftly and securely.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779504524
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2020
Pages: 160
From New York Times bestselling author Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body And Other Parties, In The Dream House) comes a story so horrifying you won't dare to forget!
When your memories are stolen, what would you give to remember? Follow El and Vee as they search for answers to the questions everyone else forgot.
Shudder-to-Think, Pennsylvania, is plagued by a mysterious illness that eats away at the memories of those affected by it. El and Octavia are two best friends who find themselves the newest victims of this disease after waking up in a movie theater with no memory of the past few hours.
As El and Vee dive deeper into the mystery behind their lost memories, they realize the stories of their town hold more dark truth than they could've imagined. It's up to El and Vee to keep their town from falling keep the world safe from Shudder-to-Think's monsters.
Collects issues # 1-6.